Sounds like a useful book for many.
I feel this way about "negative" emotions that are not the triggers you are talking about, but rather moments born of a present situation. Take sleepless nights for example. If I can't sleep because I am behind on paperwork, which I loathe doing and procrastinate badly, I don't medicate my sleep, I use the sleepless night as motivation to get the paperwork done. All these things, triggers and emotions, are the body/mind/universe connection giving us instructions on how to proceed. Hm. Thanks for the thought. I like it.
Good luck! I'll be reading along here,
I hope so. I've been thinking about it for a while now. I'm getting increasingly anxious the more I learn about how much A.I. will change our society. The world is thoroughly unprepared for what's coming and the governments aren't taking the necessary steps to mitigate it.
Great idea to surrender to the insomnia and put the time to good use, that way of thinking is very Zen-like. : )
Thank you! I can't tell you how energized I feel now that I've announced the book. I already have ideas for three chapters.