There is a saying that goes like this "People address you on the basis of looks and appearance". This was what I looked like last year Skinny and very thin like I had kwashiorkor a malnutrition disease caused by lack of protein. So many people are guilty of lack of confidence because of their appearance and the way they look and guess what? I use to be too. Don't get me wrong i am not saying being slim means not being healthy but even being slim should have some healthy flesh and skin covering your veins and not looking stressed out all the time.
I know I had to boost up my self confidence so I started hitting the gym, in a local style though and when I say local style I mean setting up my own work out tools for example casting my own dumbbells
Bench press.
As a young man in his early 30s I am not much of the social type due to some financial and psychological reasons which was kind of affecting me emotionally but I still try to be better by working out my problems. Well back to my self confidence boost and work out, It was 2hrs total hard work every day ( 5am to 6am) in the morning and ( 6pm to 7pm) in the evening. After 3 months of hard work to improve my looks and body build up changes started happening gradually
I started receiving complements from people and I noticed that I started feeling good and enjoying my self. Muscle and biceps were well built and life is good, even talking to lady and getting a girl was no problem at all cos my self confidence is highly boosted and active in recreational gatherings and events. I must say life didn't really continue on that happy story because soon I lost all my body build up and great shape. I was no longer consistent on my work out due to personal issues for example relationship problems, my job and some crazy new life style and hobbies which I got engaged in and after few months of back sliding my looks and appearance went back to its old
Life they say it's about being up and being down and I don't like staying down. Well the last few months of last year was really stressful and people started talking and asking questions what was going on with my health and family were really concerned because my appearance and looks was scary. It's a new year and it's 2018 so I got my act together and concentrated on my health. I ran so test and did my health check up and treated my self of every illness like typhoid fever and the nasty malaria. I also took care of my personal problems for example my relationship problems and I put an end to it and currently I am enjoying being single and no more drama, I quit my job because of the stress and the job security was not encouraging due to the salary and then I invested my savings on crypto business and though business is not always profitable but its ok and I am my own Boss. I eat well and make sure I take the right nutritious food and fruits. Now this is what I look like I have come to understand that living a healthy life is not about hitting the gym and building muscle only but a healthy life is living in peace and trying to let go of things that cause pains and stress to you. Life is good so eat well and live larger than life
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