My Top 3 Gym Pet Peeves! What Drives You Crazy At The Gym?

in #story9 years ago (edited)

AAARGHH! My Top 3 Gym Pet Peeves

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If you have been going to a gym or health club for any amount of time, most likely there are a few things that may be starting to get on your nerves.

Working in the fitness field for close to 20 years, there aren't many things that surprise me anymore. Here are my top 3 things that drive me nuts in the gym. Do they bother you also?

1- Leaving The Weights Everywhere

It really isn't hard, you use something just put it back. Here are some examples:

  • Taking the dumbbells off the racks and just leaving them on the floor
    when you are done. Yes, mom may clean up for you at
    home, but this isn't home.

  • Not taking the weights off the bar when finished or leaving a bunch of weights on the leg press. Doing this also has people thinking the equipment is still being used.

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2 - Sweating On The Equipment and Not Cleaning It

Ok, I know going to the gym is suppose to make you sweat, but do you really have to leave a pond everywhere. People shouldn't have to mop the equipment before using it.

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Take a couple seconds and wipe down the equipment.

3 - Talking On The Cell Phone While Using The Equipment

This one has just really started in the last few years. There is no way anyone should have to weight for someone who is using a piece of equipment because they are on the phone.

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There is nothing like being on a treadmill and hearing the person's life story next to you. Exercise the lips later.


Those are my top 3 things in the gym that drives me crazy. Ok, I feel a little better getting that out now. Do you have something at the gym that drives you nuts? Leave a comment and let it out!


oh man it crazy story !!

Thanks for reading

Only 1 above :-p .... Add the other numbers. Makes it easier to read.

Thanks, for telling me.

I could never understand why people go to the gym in the first place... Fitness is for fun but I guess each to their own.
Here's my first fitness blog in case you'd be interested :)