The Life of Eli Black- Part 2 of 13

in #story7 years ago (edited)

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Be sure to c heck out part 1 first:

A dimly lit room revealed a motionless body on the bed with only slight movement every now and then. An alarm clock went off and quickly met its end as it flung against the bedroom wall. School had been canceled for the next few days to give kids time to process everything that had happened. Eli rolled around for a few minutes after destroying yet another alarm clock, before getting up. Once he finally was up he made his way to a mirror that stood in the corner of his cluttered room, to examine the scars on his face. All the blood had now dried up and some of his hair got stuck in the dried up crust. He looked as though he were in a battle with scars all over his face and body, some old scars were now clear among the new ones. After a few minutes of examining himself, he slouched his way to the kitchen where he grabbed a cup of instant noodles and made it. It was only then that he realized that his body ached slightly as he moved around, though he wasn't bothered by it much. The house phone rang and he took his time answering it.
“Mhh” He mumbled as he gulped down his first byte of instant noodles.
“I heard what happened at your school, are you ok.” It was a woman on the other side. She sounded young and concerned.
“Yep.” He replied before another byte.
“Do you want me to come down for a few-”
“Nope.” He cut her off
“You sure I-”
He hung up the phone before she could finish talking and finished eating his food. The phone rang again, but this time he ignored it. The ringing went on for quite some time before it finally stopped.
Once it was silent, he could hear the TV mumbling in the living room. He went to see what was going on and found River sitting on his couch.
“Do come in.” He said sarcastically.
She ignored him and continued looking at the TV. “Was it you.”
He moved his glance to the TV. It was a news report about two dead bodies found in an ally.
He didn't answer so she continued speaking.
“You promised you wouldn't do this anymore.” She now looked at him as he looked at the screen with no emotion on his face.
“And you believed me.” He replied with no emotion. “Cute.”
“What do you think they’ll do to you when they find you?”
He looked at her, but did not answer; instead he turned around and walked out. She wasn't far behind. “Eli!” She yelled after him. “When are you gonna stop being so reckless.”
He continued to ignore her as he walked.
“They’re ok. They’ll be fine.” She said before he turned the corner.
Without having to ask he knew she was talking about Seth and Nick.

With nowhere in particular to go, he simply wandered around town until late afternoon. He walked past the hospital once or twice but never entered, instead he walked to the beach. It was pretty empty apart for a few people here and there. He sat peacefully under a tree until a stray beach ball hit him on his head. A pair of college student ran towards him.
“Kid, toss the ball over.” One of them yelled.
Eli could quickly feel the anger boiling its way up. “Excuse me.” He replied to give them a second chance.
“You heard me kid, ball.”
The beach was now almost completely empty apart from him and the group now waiting for the beach ball.
He got up and with almost no effort what so ever, busted the ball between his hands, throwing the remains to the now very angry looking guys.
“What the hell kid?”
He did not speak he simply stood still like a statue and watched as they made their way towards him. He couldn't help but laugh a chilling laugh that clearly creped the two guys out. Their jog towards him now turned into a causes walk, and the closer they got the harder he laughed. They were now close enough to simply grab, but it felt too easy with way to many witnesses, but he could smell the life flowing through their vanes. He could hear their hearts in his ears as they sped up from fear. It was clear that they didn't know why they were scared and that made it even more amusing to him. From the corner of his eye he could see the crowd gathering closer, but the adrenalin running through him didn't much care about more victims, he could count ten people in total including the two standing in front of him.

He could feel their eyes moving towards the tail now swirling behind his back with a sharp bone at the tip. His eyes then darted to the girl who immediately started to scream. Within seconds he stood in front of her, his eyes now two black pits. He placed his finger on her quivering lips and wisped.
“Get away from her!” a guy behind him yelled.
Without turning around his tail made a swift move as it ran across the guy’s neck, causing a fresh smell of blood to fill the air, and before anyone else could scream, his tale moved at the speed of lightning across every throat that surrounded him including the two that first approached him.
Before long the sand was covered in bodies. He couldn't help but smile, he felt so invincible. He stood for a few seconds appreciating his work after moving the bodies to shape a smiley face on the beach, before leaving…


thanks for sharing a great post

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