You are VERY progressive for an older guy!
You continue to surprise me. First with you grabbing snakes with @papa-pepper and now being into 3D printers for 10 years! 10 years ago they are basically just a concept and almost no one knew about them.
They really are quite amazing and likely to be a HUGE part of life in the near future.
I hope to see more posts about how well it works, how much it costs to use and if its really realistic to buy and use yet or not.
Thanks for sharing.
Even if 3D printers have made huge progress, they are not yet ready to be sold at Walmart.
They will need to be much easier to use, and be cheaper, probably below US$300.
I think that they also will need to be connected directly to the Internet and that it should be possible to connect to some website and order to build a specific piece.
We are not there yet.
But, for the technologically savvy, they are not really difficult to use.
Thats exactly what I figured but don't have to much experience so figured I would ask you!
I appreciate you giving a reply. Its a cool post and would love to see more on the 3D printer experience you get after using it a while. Its really cool and the potential is there.