Good for Little John, your story is a story of thousands to frame what is the social decline and decadence for which many people pass, many out of necessity, I would love to see that all people on the street could find a job and so a source of income, in more developed countries I think it is easier to get out of this system that is often mental and many people prefer to live it out of laziness or because they suffer from some psychological illness, I want to tell you what I see in the streets of my country , a small country in South America that like many is going through the worst situation, in Venezuela you see people submerged in poverty collecting food from the garbage, many times you want to help and even people get upset, the truth is a very complicated social system and I think that in this case it has been the fault of the government that I accustom many people to do nothing and receive benefits, just as there are hundreds of people who look for food in the trash, I know of many who walk barefoot through the streets, the reality of a communist country is that I decided, I think Little John is lucky to live where he lives and to get ahead in a certain way because somehow or other the system allowed it, however in my country to get out of poverty is very difficult because every day we are poorer, so work, so you have a title, has ruined Venezuela and I am moved by your story but I think I have seen so many people suffering street situation that even die on sidewalks and benches that I do not know what to think, it is not fair that the good suffer these evils and I hope that one day so much poverty in the countries will be completely settled and that people will understand the importance to work and get ahead in the most humble way.
It is unbearable many times not being able to help, because even the economic situation has affected people who had money, it is difficult and it is real, it hurts and every day is worse, I feel happy that the character of your story could advance and improve is what What more wish for my country and the people who live right now on the street.
There are so many differing opinions and all have validity because each person on the street has their own story. each individual is different. Some would just as soon kill you because they have the chance when you stop to offer help. Others graciously accept what you offer.
I will rarely give to those who are obviously drunk, though I have purchased food and handed it to them after buying my lunch at a fast food place. The right thing to do is give them something to eat rather than helping to ruin their liver.
There are so many stories, so many situations that it is impossible to know them all or to attend them all. But look at yourself, how many of us have been by their side and we have not even admitted that they are there and are part of our day to day life. In the province where I live, the city has adopted many of them for their peculiarity and somehow they have ceased to be invisible and now one or the other helps them either with food or money.
There are so many reasons for these people.