Prelude to the Fall: Part 3

in #story5 years ago


I guess you'd like to know what happened, what caused all this. I'll tell you shortly.

First, you need to understand where the world was at, just before it all happened. More or less, we were tearing ourselves apart. People were unhappy, and angry, on every continent. There were wars everywhere. Somewhere along the way, we lost our humanity, our empathy, our patience; or maybe it was taken from us. Maybe we sold it. I don't know. But there was a lot of finger pointing.

"Many people were profiting on the misery of the world. There was good money in poverty, good money in drugs. Keeping people stupid and sick was making people rich. The sorrows of entire countries were monetized."

Around that time, people used the word "the 1%", in reference to the powerful and wealthy. Various revelations came out regarding some of their actions, and the actions of corporations they either owned or controlled. Even for our tuned out, drugged out world, it was too much. We learned that several diseases had been created, only so the cure could be sold at a high profit. We learned that the surveillance fears of many were actually mild compared to what actually existed; many birds and insects were actually AI-controlled robots, and had been since the nineties. DNA tampering. Hidden medical advances. Cloning. Hidden technology. Hidden contact with extra-terrestrial beings; nine species, over fifty years.

The world was inundated with a seemingly never-ending stream of revelations. Each, on its own, was enough to rattle the average person. Taken together, they were taxing most people to the point of breaking. The more people understood, the harder it got. Their rigid, brittle pictures of reality lay shattered.

"About the only people to take it all in stride were the conspiracy theorists."

There were a lot of "We told you so's" going around, when it all started. Pretty soon they gave that up though, as even they were taken aback by some of the later revelations. Still, they coped better than anyone: a lot of it was old news.

There was an Internet project at one point .. some language major took all of the biggest revelations and translated them to every language he could, which was most of them. A hacker group picked up the project and spread it everywhere. To the consternation of Governments and Corporations worldwide (which were one and the same), email boxes were filled, web sites taken over, and shopping carts filled with thousands of copies of this document. Computers were exploited with the sole purpose of passing on the message. Entire networks were compromised and re-purposed: they became an unstoppable army of servers, blasting the message to every corner of the world. Everyone .. and I mean everyone .. got the message.

Some people say it was the mental anguish of the world that caused it. Others say that it was divine intervention, or demonic intervention. Time travel gone wrong? A universal anomaly? Dimensional shift? No one really knew. It just showed up one day, with no warning. It was early September.

At first they called it a "global aurora borealis phenomenon." It did bear some resemblance to Northern Lights, but only a passing one. It was far more colourful, and covered the entire sky. It also seemed to be much closer than the Northern lights .. you felt like you could almost reach out and touch them. It was also noticed that they reacted to planes, and birds, and anything disconnected from the ground. Pretty soon it went much farther, or, I guess, came much closer, depending on your point of view.

"The best way I can describe it is that the sky became alive."

The effect was very much like virtual reality, although much grander, more tangible, denser, more vivid. You could touch it. It was multilayered, sort of a shifting, ethereal mercury. It was kind of like watching one semi-transparent movie on top of another, except it was three dimensional, and six or eight levels deep. And yet somehow, it all made sense, it was comprehensible.

We were all shown the same story, a story of creation. That's what I think it was, at least.

As the phenomenon progressed, each person began to have a different interaction with it. Personally, I was shown what I think was a screensaver, of sorts. All the Watchers experienced something similar. Across between a lava lamp, fireworks, and a kaleidescope, it was the most incredible thing I have ever experienced, beating out even the earlier spectacles. With ten thousand lidless eyed, I swam in a sea of rolling, roiling colour. I tumbled up a spinning cavern of mirrors, bathed in the light of a fleeing neon dragon. I became the purple darkness between the raindrop and the rose.

The other experiences, those of the non-watchers, were less ... mystical. I think we'll talk about them next. Once you understand what they experienced during the event, you can begin to understand why things happened as they did. My experience foretold nothing of what was to come. The same cannot be said of the others, the ones that changed.

They were given great insight into ... ahh, here I am, getting ahead of myself. We should probably take a break for now. We'll get to it all. Besides, we should get inside. We only have another few minutes of daylight, and unless you're hiding far bigger weapons than the ones you've got there, we should lock ourselves in.

"Old fashioned humans don't fare well outdoors, at night, anymore. As a matter of fact, we don't do so well during the day, either."

This is part THREE of a multi-part series. Previous Episodes are available here:

Part ONE

Part TWO

[ @xwalkran ]

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