Ada was dumbstruck for a few seconds before she came to herself. What was going on here; she wondered.
She realized she had spoken aloud when Iyke answered the question she had thought she had only been pondering.
“I just told you what is going on in the simplest way I possibly could. You were the last person Cris was seen with and I for one would like to know where he is.”
“How could I possibly be the last person Cris was seen with? I only just arrived Nigeria hours ago. I was invited by Cris. We had only met once and that was some months ago which is why we both agreed I should come down to Nigeria to return the favour since he can’t seem to get away from work anytime soon. How then can you say I was the last person Cris was seen with? It just doesn’t make sense.”
Iyke watched Ada pace as she rambled on trying to make sense of what he had just told her. He had gotten her all worked up and her composure was long gone; her food also long forgotten. She must have a lot going through her head, he decided as he watched her. She turned her attention to him. She was clearly expecting an answer to ease her worry. Obviously irritated at his silence, she continued in a louder voice;
“How can you drop a bombshell like that on me and refuse to explain any further?”
“I did not refuse to explain Ada. I am simply waiting for you to calm down.”
“Calm down you say? How could I possibly calm down? How do you expect me to do that without answers? Answers will calm me down. I need answers. If indeed Cris was last seen with me, who have I been communicating with all these while since I met with him? How am I even here? Why am I here? Who are you? Who is Mr Kessington? Whose house is this? What do you plan to do with me? Have you taken me prisoner?”
“Enough!” Iyke cut in loudly rising to his feet.
He went to stand before her. She had stopped her pacing but had surprise written on her face. She obviously had not expected his outburst. He hadn’t expected it either but was glad it had come just in time to stop her from talking off his ears. She needed answers no doubt and would get them if she would just take a second to sit and listen.
Iyke put light hands on both her shoulders before continuing;
“I would give you the answers you need right now if you would just calm down enough to take a seat and listen.”
Ada needed answers too much not to do as he asked. She went to sit in the seat she had been in before the bombshell. Iyke came to sit opposite her.
Now he had her attention. He could tell her exactly what he wanted to get what he needed.
All he needed was more time. He had always been good at telling stories. He was glad it served him now.
This story is a unique synthesis of thoughts from two completely different and independent individuals.
How the Cookie Crumbles is a collaborative work between @churchboy and @royalrose, exclusively published on Steemit.
How the Cookie Crumbles: Episode 7.This is the eighth part of the tale which @churchboy stopped writing at
I hope you are having as much fun reading this as we are having writing it. Please follow the story.
It's @churchboy 's turn to write episode 9.
As is usual, he will make sure to write and post it within 24 hours and of course, without my input.
The end of the story is still unknown by both writers. So, you should expect a lot of exciting twists and turns. Please keep a date with us everyday for an update.
Wishing all Steemians a happy and prosperous new year.
I'll be seeing you in Episode 10.
Your favorite Nigerian,😉
Free vote for you! Yay!
I wish I cud read d remaining episode ahead of ahead of time
Hey @royalrose I love this method of completing stories and liaising with each other.
Found you in the Adsactly blog. Great writing. Looking forward to more of your articles.
Thank you very much dear.