What's your type???

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Are you Rh Negative?

I am Rh Negative but didn't know it until after having my first child. If you don't know your blood type but would like to know, you don't have to spend $ to find out. Go donate blood, they have to type it; by doing that, you not only get to know your blood type you also get the opportunity to help someone else. <3

With only 15% of our population being Rh Negative (we don't have the rhesus monkey factor, which all positive blood types do have) this begs the question of where the Rh Negatives originate from. The majority of Rh Negatives share interesting commonalities, some of which are having hazel, blue and green eyes, extra vertebra, lower body temperature, it is said that Rh Negs cannot be cloned and have "increased occurrences of psychic/intuitive abilities".

I cannot speak for all Rh Negs but can tell you that I have always been aware of my differences from others, especially within my own family. I was the only blonde in a family of dark and black haired people, I was acutely aware of my gifts for as long as I can remember (I never lost the knowing), my experiences with deja vu were so frequent and so strong that it literally caused severe physical reactions to them and (as my sister can testify to) I have ALWAYS told her that I am not from "here".

This entire lifetime has been one incredible journey after another and if anyone is interested in reading more I will gladly share.
