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RE: ✨ Twas A Night Outside The GOE 🎁 A New Paradigm Parody Holiday Classic! ✨

in #story7 years ago

awesome, brother...
this hit home on so many levels as I feel I have put my potential on a shelf for many years now...allowing their 'dream' to wash over me...detouring into self indulgence & drug addiction...

...'what happened to my spiritual zest & inspiration?' I find mySelf asking my self... 'why have I stifled the creative flow for the illusion of self gratification?'...

I thank you for this post & for what you're doing to help others awaken, real-eyes, & realize the beauty & Life that lay beyond the illusion...

I've been feeling so encouraged & inspired lately & feel that it's truly time to step back up to the plate...& I'm glad that you're a part of that...

Merry Christmas...Peace & Light...
much Love....Caleb


Thank you, brother.
It's so important we ask ourselves these questions, even if the answers are unpleasant. Only with honest assessment can we accept and take responsibility for our present situations, then we have the power to change & become everything we want to be!

It is an honor to share this perspective, and we are extremely grateful you are able to receive it. May it uplift & inspire you! May you BE the change!!!!

We are happy to help in any way we can.


Awesome to hear as that is what I am trying to do!
Inspire and wake people up to the infinite potential of life!
We are the power~*~