When I was working in Taiwan, I used to ride my 50 cc motorcycle (some would say it is a scooter) to my workplace. I named my vehicle "Little Blue" because these types of scooters are fondly known as "Little Sheep" and it was a reliable little blue scooter that was suitable for inner city travel.
It was a quick 10 minute commute to and from work so it wasn't too stressful on the roads most of the time. However, the city I was living in was notorious for some crazy motorcycle gangs that would come out at night, particularly after 9 pm. One day, I was working late so I was a bit worried I would run into the gang on my way home. I stopped at a red light and heard a low scuffy voice call out "Xiao jie! Xiao jie (Miss! MISS!)
I was too scared to turn my head or acknowledge the person who was trying to speak to me. I was worried that he was a gang member. I was praying that the light would quickly turn green so I could ride off. But it was still red. Again, he said "Miss!" Then he said, "Your mobile phone fell out of your bag!" I finally looked back and there was my Nokia phone on the ground! It had fallen out of my slingbag that had only a flimsy velcro. I was so lucky that nobody had run over it!
They don't make cell phones like they used to. I am sure if it had been an iPhone the screen would have cracked. I am very grateful to the man who told me about my phone and after that I was always careful to check that my phone is securely stored in my bag.
Another time, I had just got home from work and started chatting to my mom about my day. I was getting ready to go out again to get some food so I was rummaging through my bag to take out my wallet. It wasn't there! Where could it be, I thought? I must have left it in my office! "Must go back to check," I said.
As I was opening the door, the phone rang. My mom picked it up and said it was for me. "Hello, this is the security office. Someone found your wallet!" "What? I thought it was safe in my office." How lucky was I that a kind honest person brought it to the security guards on duty? The phone call came at just the right tome too since I would have panicked had I gone back to my office and found it wasn't there! I am so grateful that I was able to get the wallet back with everything still in it.
These two experiences taught me to be extra careful with my belongings.
This reminds me of the time Tammy lost her bag in a busy shopping centre. After realising she had lost it, she ran back to where we were eating but it wasn’t there any more. She started panicing and speaking to a family who were eating nearby. Unfortunately, they didn’t see anything either. While they were speaking a guy came and waved her bag in her face. “Is this your bag?”, he asked. Tammy almost hugged him. Apparently when he found the bag, he waited for her for 15-20 minutes. But when no one turned up, he left. But he decided to come back for one last try. She was so happy afterwards. :)
Oh, he was so nice to come back!!
And there are still some honest peaple :)
Yes. Indeed.
I love motorcycles, you fill freedome on it, isn't it
Yes. There is a thrill riding them.