Deadanomicon – Story Summary

in #story2 days ago

Deadanomicon – Story Summary
A group of high school friends head to a remote cabin in the woods for a weekend of playing Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. One of them, the weakest and most awkward member of the group, brings something unexpected: the Deadanomicon, a twisted version of the Necronomicon.
At first, he’s just curious—fascinated by the book’s symbols and rituals. But the more he reads, the more it takes hold of him. The others brush it off… until it’s too late.
The nerd becomes possessed.
During a chaotic struggle, he bites off one of the other boys’ hands and flees into the woods. In shock, the group regroups—only to be attacked by a twisted, undead female Linda-style, rising from the ground.
The boy who lost his hand retreats to the woodshed and straps on a chainsaw in its place. With no time to mourn, he dismembers the undead girl and saves the others.
They try to search for the missing nerd, but he’s vanished. Exhausted, they go to sleep.
Meanwhile, back in town, the nerd returns to his family home… and slaughters them all—his mom, dad, sister—and even transforms the family dog into a massive, winged gargoyle-like monster.
The next day, the group returns to school, trying to pretend everything is normal. But when the nerd shows up, things take a turn. A school bully attacks him, unaware of what happened the night before—and becomes the nerd’s first undead thrall.
One by one, the nerd begins building his army of the dead, fighting off rival weirdos, casting enchantments, and preparing for total undead domination.
As chaos erupts, the group is split. Some of them face off with the monstrous dog-gargoyle, managing to wound it and drive it away.
The story ends with the remaining friends regrouped… but surrounded by a rising horde of the undead, as their former friend—now something else entirely—leads an unstoppable army from the shadows.

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Its a fun little book, kinda forgotten with everything else going on