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RE: One Thousand and One Nights: The Story of the Porter and the Young Ladies: Twelfth Night

in #story2 years ago

." But I, at these words, felt my complexion turn yellow and my whole body slump in terror.

Hehehe, I understand much well why he is feeling this way.. just like when you do something bad hoping that no-one will find out only for you to be called to answer for the bad you did.
Nice tactics by the Georgirus anyway.

I am really amazed by how well these two lovers could lie and make it look as if they are saying the truth... Wow, Professors in lying😂
But I guess the situation demanded for it... Let me read down and see if it favoured them.... hehehe

Ouch😢, it lead to her death... So sad about it.
Now here is my question,
Would saying the truth have saved her?

It's always in human nature never to settle for less, once there's opportunity, they will aim higher just like The second Saâlouk is trying to find way to gain total forgiveness even after causing the death of the lady😢

What a punishment! A monkey of all animals.
Now I can only continue to imagine how then he was transformed to human again😂

Thanks for posting