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RE: Welcome to GrumpyOldFartland

in #story8 months ago

It's really lovely that your wife and you are enjoying it so much to feed the squirrels! I thought, that's really a sweet article!
However, than the situation with the kids and their parents was explained and I don't understand. How could children behave so (although I could forgive them, as they're still children) but even worse how could parents just let their children behave that way?!

About ten years ago, I've worked on summer camps with children and even I (who was only 10years older as these children), was often stunned by the behavior of the children and even more of the reactions of their parents. Nearly always it was the principle:'My child, holy child' No, my child would never do such a thing...

Ofcourse I don't know how this happened in the further past, but yes I was baffled often..


Thank you! Yes, the parents so often are the root of the problem. They're either distracted or feel their children can do no wrong. My wife worked at an elementary school for a little while and oftentimes when children would get in trouble at school the parents would come in and blame the teachers and school staff.

At the summercamp it was the same case. They were blaming the animators and the other children.. Guess it's everwhere in society that people are always blaming others instead of looking into themselves (or their own children)..
It's the same in companies, politics,...