@reddust, taking shelter is good too. I am just afraid that my natural tendency is to run. I am learning how to take proactive steps to addressing issues instead of avoiding them.
Thanks for another perspective. I appreciate it!
@reddust, taking shelter is good too. I am just afraid that my natural tendency is to run. I am learning how to take proactive steps to addressing issues instead of avoiding them.
Thanks for another perspective. I appreciate it!
I learned how to do this sitting in meditation retreats. You cannot move so what do you do when pain, flooding emotions and thoughts storm and rage within the mind? Take shelter in upekkha, equanimity which is an unshakable composure of the mind ....I figured out pain isn't like a bus going to run me over in real life. It's actually empty like a bubble, same with intense bliss. I was subjected to both during long retreats. When the horrible pain in my back passed I was hit by the most intense bliss I've ever experienced in my life and the visions I've been painting. Both pass, both are empty. One I wanted to run from the other made me feel like a buddha sitting on a lotus blossom. The bliss is actually the most dangerous of all feelings and one can spend the rest of ones life chasing. I knew I wasn't a Buddha because I was taught to view all sensation as equal in nature....empty like bubbles...