Hello everyone, nice to see you again!
As you may already know I have a Maltese puppy named Minnie, and like every dog she needs her daily walks (several of them). She loves them so much, it looks like her heart is going to explode just by mentioning word walk.
It has been a big change for me too. It's not only been great for my figure, it's also good for my health and for clearing my thoughts.
There is always something interesting happening on our walks, and this night we ran in to several people with dogs also, and guess what?! Non of them seamed nervous or anxious, they all look happy and in the mood to talk. And it got me thinking, it's almost a rule, people I see with their dogs are generally in good mood.
Now, I'm sure there is a ton of scientific research on the subject, and the answer is only one click away, but I don't want that answer. I want to come to conclusion by my self (or with my fiance, when I badger him with my theories :))
So for the rest of our walk (when not being stopped by people to tell me how cute she is) I thought about animals and people, the differences and similarities. I wasn't sure what was it in animals that made us so happy?
- Did they bring us closer to nature, to our natural state?
- Is it because you can trust them more then people?
- Is it because they don't judge?
- Is it because you don't have to worry what they think?
There are a lot of questions, but it all came to the same answer - LOVE. Especially with dogs (I admit cats can be seen as cold). But dogs love you everyday, all day, no mater what you wear, or how you smell (even better if it's food). There is no one (well maybe children) who would be so happy to see you like a dog. And they show it, they don't ever hide the fact that you are their Universe and you love them even more.
I think people crave love and someone to love them unconditionally. And I am certain that you can't make anyone love you that way, but maybe you can love yourself? No matter how you look, talk, walk, smell or anything else, love yourself unconditionally, and other will to!
Try it, the best thing is it's free and you got nothing to lose!
With LOVE,
You hit the nail on the head Tamara. Dogs love you just for being there. They don't judge us and they forgive bad treatment quickly. I have always had dogs and loved them.
@petruska13 you are such a kind soul, thank you for your support!
The thing I love about Doggies is they are just happy in the moment, they don't care if they look silly, they don't worry about what somebody thinks of them, they just want to investigate everything! And of course the cuddles... everybody loves the cuddles.
Yes! @all-of-us they are free from all judgement, and so they can enjoy every moment! We can learn a thing or two from them!
Girl you are totally right! I think dogs, creates so much positive energy around us... I'm going for a walk with my Braun, and people feel more open to talk and smile back... plus like you mention I like to use it for my exercise and give him chance to be out side as often it's possible ( he is a Mastiff, and the fact that right now we don't own a backyard it's not making things easy). Happy for you, and your Minnie! Thanks for sharing this with us! upped!
Than you for visiting, and give Braun one big kiss from me! (And probably a lick from Minnie :))Well @pointtojoin you are just a delight to read! I love people that love animals, they are just more trust-worthy (my opinion)!