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RE: Transforming Mistakes Into Opportunities (A Case for Decentralization)

in #storylast year

It sucks that you had to go that route back then, but all told, it dealt you a valuable lesson. You are now much more savvy and more polished in your writing so you can take advantage of the oportunities that present themselves.

I hear people bemoaning the current state of affairs and I agree, it is a terrible state that our world is in. That's looking at it from behind the 8 ball, so to speak. Looking at things from the opportunity side, it's a big wide world of chances to advance your position. Just can't be afraid to take those chances.


It was a valuable lesson, and a mistake my friend and I never made again!

So true, our reality depends so much on how we frame it. Just like the financial markets, there is great opportunity in volatility. I think we just happen to be living through a very low point in our civilization's history but it's also a time of transition and better things are coming.