Romance short story collection 'Guy who doesn't call.'

in #story7 years ago

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"He hasn't called," Paige says and gulps her vodka down.
"Why?" Paige's best friend, Carrie asks and gulps her Vodka down too.
"Everything was going okay. I did everything right. I wasn't too needy; I don't think."
Paige bites her nail on her second finger and taps her feet to the sound of the trance beat. Carrie gets up and orders a round of Tequila shots, as she can see how this is affecting her best friend. They gulp the shots back down and stumble back to their table, as they are wearing thigh - high heel boots and the alcohol starts to take effect in their system.
"Give me all the details."
"We've been seeing each other for two weeks. He has phoned me every night, and we've been on a few dates, but for some reason, Brian hasn't called today."
"When did Brian last call?"
Paige hesitates before answering, "Um, yesterday."
"He's probably just busy since he is a lawyer."
"I don't know. I hate it when this happens. I think it's me. I must have done something wrong."
"He only hasn't called in a day; I'm sure everything fine. Forget about it, and let's go dance."
"I'm just going to go home," she gets up and grabs her bag and black leather jacket.
"I'll see you soon and keep me posted," Carrie replies, as she hugs her and they kiss on the cheek.

She arrives back to her apartment – her sanctuary that took years to make it a place called home. Now she just wants a man to join her and live happily ever after together. She sits on the chocolate brown sofa and takes her phone out of her bag. Slightly drunk but she can see that he hasn’t called. She presses his name in her dial pad. Should I call him? She thinks to herself. She takes a few breaths as she stares at his name. Sweet and gorgeous Brian, who swept her off her feet at her friend’s party. They chatted for hours, and she felt a connection. These past two weeks have been a whirlwind of dates, steamy nights in the bedroom and roses and a lot of wine. What went wrong? Why hasn’t he called tonight? She places the phone down as tears start to form. “He’s the one. He’s a lawyer and rich, obviously and so dreamy in his suit,” she says to herself. God, I’ve gone crazy, I’m talking to myself. She switches off the lights and stumbles to bed. She struggles to take her boots off, and after finally successfully getting them off, she lies down pink theme queen size bed. She shuts her eyes and hopes that the alcohol will make her sleep.

Ten minutes later …

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Is it me? Am I too ugly for him? Think, think and think back to yesterday. We had dinner, and everything was going alright – the smiles, the strokes on the cheek and the red roses, which are now in a vase and sits on the coffee table in the lounge. She sighs and tries to remember what they spoke about. They did talk about work and made plans for the weekend – a day out on the beach, dinner and a night filled with lust. Why wouldn’t he call then as we have made plans? She paces the room and picks up the phone again. Still no call …
“Why?” she screams as she throws her arms in the air and punches the pillow in frustration “He specifically said he would call after he kissed me goodnight so why the hell hasn’t he called.”
I must have scared him last night.
Why hasn’t he called?
I should just call him.

She checks the time on her phone; it’s too late to call him. “Every time, I meet a guy and fall in love this happens. I’m never going to have my happy ending.” She stumbles to the kitchen and pours a shot of brandy, she gulps it back down and sighs in contentment as the liquid burns her throat. She takes another one to make sure that she will be able to sleep and not think about the phone call that never happened. She stumbles back to bed, gets under the covers. “Ugh! I have work tomorrow I better set my alarm. I hope I’ll be functional,” she mumbles as she sets her alarm. She turns the light off and closes her eyes.

‘Shake it off’ by Taylor Swift starts playing. Paige reaches out and struggles to turn the damn alarm off. She loves this song, but this morning she can’t stand it. She finally manages to turn the thing off. I need to get up and get ready for work. My head and I just want to spend the rest of the day here in my warm bed. Nothing can happen to you here, it’s safe, and it doesn’t hurt you. She contemplates but gets up. She checks her phone, and her heart stops … just messages from Carrie. Her heart starts regularly beating again. She strolls to the kitchen and turns on the coffee machine. As she hears the drip of the coffee falling into the pot she opens Facebook messenger - The bastard still hasn’t called. Waiting for the coffee machine to finish and suffering from a massive hangover. The drips stop, and she pours espresso into a soup cup. A caffeine fix is needed.

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She arrives at the office, a few minutes late, as usual. She manages to get to her desk before the boss see’s. Throughout the day she tries to get work done but keeps on checking her phone every five minutes. Ugh! It’s been a night and a day that he hasn’t called. The only person that has contacted her is Carrie. The tick finally falls on 5 pm – time for home. She packs up and drives home with Taylor Swift ‘Blank Space’ blaring. As she sings to the words, she realises that it relates to her dilemma – in the beginning, it’s all good but then bang, in a drop of a hat it turns sour and once again women are left feeling worthless and ugly. She gets home and pours herself a vodka and lemonade. Tonight will be another long wait for him to call. She makes herself comfortable on the couch with her phone and drink. She taps her fingers and looks at her phone. She opens Netflix and chooses a movie for distraction, but her mind starts to wonder again – What if he was in an accident? I need to find out, who can I call? No, it must be me. I don’t know what to believe anymore. She gulps down her vodka. Her phone vibrates … It’s him. She grabs her phone and answers immediately.
“Hi, Paige.”
“Sorry I didn’t call yesterday, I was working on a big case and worked through the whole night.”
“That’s okay. Is this weekend still on?” She asks and holds her breath.
“Of course, I will pick you up tomorrow morning. I better get some sleep so good night and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
“Me too and good night, Brian.” They hang up, and Paige jumps up and down in excitement because he finally called. She just overreacted!

© 2018, Taryn Feldmann. All rights reserved