Short story - Part Three - Lies and Cheating

in #story7 years ago


Image via Pixabay

Chloe sits on the lounge floor with a wide and tall glass of white wine. Alanis Morrisette plays in the background, ‘You Oughta Know’ is on full blast. She sings to the words and cries. Kyle has once again lied to her. He said he was with his friends on Friday night, but Chloe saw the text on Saturday afternoon, when he finally returned home – Baby, thanks for a great night last night. Xx. She checks who the sender is, her name is Summer, who the hell has a name like Summer! She must be like one of those girls; super skinny with their ribs and hips bones sticking out, bleached blonde hair and talon-like nails. She probably wears mini everything and animal print clothing. She surely also has a squeaky, girly voice! Guys always falls for girls like that. Why? What’s so special about them? Chloe thinks to herself. She laughs and gulps the last few sips of her wine down.

She kneels and tries to get up. She needs more wine, as she needs to get wasted tonight. She manages to stand up and stumbles to the kitchen counter. She pours herself another glass and returns to her favourite drunk place, the lounge floor. “No, it’s me! I’m not pretty enough!” Chloe says to herself. She pulls her iPhone out of her short denim pocket. She opens up Facebook and tries to search for Summer. After many attempts and no luck, she throws the phone down. “Why, do you do this to me?” she screams to the blank white wall. “Is it because I’m not skinny enough for you?” She gulps more of her wine. “It’s because of my hair and my figure,” she thinks to herself and wipes a tear away from her cheek. She wrote the text message down on a piece of paper, as she is famous for over analysing every little detail. She grabs the paper and reads the words over and over again.

“No, I’m reading it the wrong way, Maybe Summer is just a friend. He has a lot of them,” she thinks to herself, as she bites her nails. “He loves me; I’m just over thinking this.” “He hasn’t cheated on me,” Chloe reassures herself. She can’t and won’t face the hard, cold truth. She crumples the paper up and throws it away. “I’m okay; I was just stupid thinking that way.” She says as she turns the music off. She gulps the last remaining drops and stumbles to bed. “Everything will be fine tomorrow and will go back to normal. I have nothing to worry about,” she thinks to herself before falling into a deep drunk sleep.

Chloe opens her eyes in agony, as the sunlight seeps into the room through the window. Great, the sun woke her up. It’s way too early with a massive hangover. She reaches for the bedside table. She grabs her phone and checks if there’s been any messages with half closed eyes. She immediately sits up – there’s a message from him – Hey Baby, I’ll see you later today. She replies and gets up. Before anything, Chloe needs a serious cup of coffee. After 2 cups, she puts on a purple mini dress and stilettoes. She needs to dress to impress. Tap, tap, Chloe runs to the door and opens it. Kyle stands with a smirk, mischievous grin on his face, which reveals those dimples – the part of him that always makes Chloe melt and the girls fall for him. It’s his signature grin that always gets the ladies. The concerns of the night before instantly gone. They kiss and hug, “Hello, gorgeous.”
“Hello, sexy,” she replies with a wink.
“Get ready; we’re going to spend the night on my yacht.”
“Yay,” she replies. How lucky am I, she always thinks to herself – Kyle is wealthy, doesn’t need to work and his good looking. That’s what people don’t understand and the fact that he’s with her.

Kyle’s yacht is 98ft long and white. It screams luxury with mahogany wood floors and a cabin with a small kitchen, lounge, dining area and bedroom with a king size bed. The yacht rests in Sydney Harbour, and Chloe often spends nights with him on the spot anchored somewhere on the ocean. They sit on deck and Chloe takes selfies with the sea as a background. He brings her a glass of champagne. This is what it means to live the high life, and she is so happy that she’s a part of it. Kyle sets for sail as she takes even more selfies and posts it on Facebook and Instagram. She wants her friends to be jealous. As the dominant yacht rides the waves, Kyle passes a rectangular box to her. She opens it – “Ahhhhhhh!” she screams. It’s a diamond bracelet; she places it around her waist and smiles as it shimmers in the sunlight. They sip on their champagne and Chloe can’t imagine what could spoil this day for her. Kyle’s phone vibrates, he takes it out of his pocket, checks the caller I’d and answers. As he speaks to the mysterious caller, she wonders if it’s Summer or another woman. He ends the call. “Who was on the phone?”
“Just a friend.”
“Which friend?”
“Just drop it with the nagging questions,” he shouts out abruptly.
She won’t ask any more questions and throughout the day tries not to dwell on the thoughts of who it could be.

Night falls, they retreat to the bedroom. Chloe is giggling because of the amount of champagne she consumed. He pushes her on to the bed, and she lets him take her clothes off. They have sex, but deep down, she’s still upset. She pushes her feelings away, kisses him goodnight and tries to fall asleep. After several attempts with no luck, she gives up and gets up. She needs proof, she takes his laptop and sits on the couch. Lucky for her, he’s Facebook is already open. She opens his messages and reads every single message between him and Summer and what’s worse, there’s other girls as well. With shaky hands, she slams the screen down. Just breath she says to herself but she can’t. Her chest tightens up, and a panic attack kicks in. She needs air – out on the deck she lights a cigarette and breaths in and out in between drags. It helps her to relax with every inhale and exhale of the smoke. She kills it and returns to bed. I don’t know what to do, but I love him and can’t let him go are her last remaining thoughts before falling into her second drunken sleep.