Short story - Part Two - Friends or Partners?

in #story7 years ago


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He swept me off my feet with his brown curly hair and tall, lean body. He's perfect in every single way. That crisp, snowy winter night at my best friend’s party. We locked eyes, and it was instant. The coffee dates, the nights together. This love is so intense.
I never knew I could find love like I found with him. I was closed up for so long until he came. Now I’m emotional, dreamy and will drop everything for him.

Sherry wrote on her Mac laptop. She’s writing her next romantic novel bestseller (she hopes) since all of the rejection letters, but she keeps on writing and hopes that this will be the one. The sound of the keyboards stops, as she sighs and checks her phone. No miss calls and no messages. She dials the number, as her stomach rolls and twists and turns. Will he answer? Will he want to see me tonight? She thinks as she listens to the horrible ringing which always makes her feel this way.
“Hello” He answers quickly and sounds irritated. She thinks to herself, but she doesn’t care and hopes he will want to see her.
“Hi, baby.”
“What’s up?”
“I’m just writing, but I was thinking of coming over tonight?”
“Um, I don’t know, Sherry. I saw you yesterday.” Luke sighs and winces.
“I miss you; I need some inspiration. Please say yes.” The desperation in her tone heard.
“Sure,” he replies, he doesn’t want to see her but wants to keep her happy so that he doesn’t lose her.
Luke doesn’t have time for a serious relationship and doesn’t want the baggage that comes with one but the women that he meets and lets into his life, he wants to make them happy but still makes sure that she understands that they’re just friends. He needs someone for when he's not busy and when he needs affection.
“Yay, are you at home now?” Sherry smiles and can’t wait to get off the phone so that she can get ready.
“Yeah, I am.”
“See you in 30 minutes.”
They say bye to each other and hang up. Luke sighs and cringes, and Sherry jumps up and down and does a little twirl.
She knocks on the door, and he answers. She falls into his arms and kisses him passionately – a full-on make-out session. He kisses her back but isn’t so into it. He knows how she feels, but he doesn’t want to break her heart. “Movie?”
“Sure,” he replies since it was their thing – watching movies every single waking moment they’re together. They laid down on the mattress that Luke placed in the lounge and just left there. The same mattress where they had sex for the first time. After the 5th movie, Luke looks at the time; it’s 5 am. It’s a normal thing, they go to sleep in the early hours of the morning and wake up in the evening and start their ritual all over again. Sherry tends to stay for a few nights and never wants to leave. He keeps quiet, but after a while, he needs to unwind and sends her back home. “Good night,” he says as he turns around. He doesn’t want to kiss her. He’s so annoyed that she’s here since they did see each other just yesterday.
“I’m wearing the underwear that you like.”
“I’m tired, let’s just go to sleep,” he mumbles. In the beginning, he would’ve kissed her immediately, but now he just doesn’t have the energy.
“Okay,” she kisses him goodnight and turns around.
I wonder what’s wrong with Luke. Am I irritating him? Oh, well it should be okay when we wake up. She was wrong; they woke up to the sound of Luke’s phone ringing. He answers,
“Hey mate, what’s up?”
“Can the guys and I come around for drinks?”
“Sure, Sherry and I just got up but come over anytime.”
“We can make it another time if you want to hang with your girlfriend.”
“No, just come over.”
He ended the call and looked at Sherry. She’s just going to have to except that his friends are coming over for a while.
“Are they coming?”
“Yeah, I’m going to light the fire outside. We’ll have a few drinks.”
Sherry kisses him and smiles – she needs to show him that she’s fine with it so that he won’t be angry but deep down she’s hurt because lately every night she’s with him, his friends ruin it.

Everyone arrives, there are ten people, including a girl. Who are they? She thinks to herself.
“Sherry, this is Jamie.”
“Hi,” she smiles but deep down she’s worried that he’s cheating on her. Jamie is stunning with her blonde hair and blue eyes, petite but thin figure. She’s wearing a black mini with a floral cotton top and has a lot of makeup on. Meanwhile, Sherry’s in her grey sweatpants and bulky jacket.
“Are you Luke’s girlfriend?”
“Yes, I am,” she shouts out proudly and squeezes his arm. Luke cringes and shakes his head. Sherry doesn’t see, thank god! But Jamie did, and she smiles in glee.

Everyone is drinking and chatting while Sherry sits alone on the chair. She pours herself a triple brandy and coke and gulps it down. She can’t help but stare at how Luke is touching Jamie. They must be sleeping together. She pours herself another drink, lights her 10th cigarette and demands her thoughts to disappear. Luke doesn’t want to sit with her, so she sits with his friends. She hopes it makes him jealous, but he’s to busy with Jamie to notice.
“Luke is my boyfriend, he’s gorgeous, and he does love me,” she shouts out, her tongue is loose because of the ten brandy and coke’s she’s downed. “He’s talking and flirting with her, but he’s my boyfriend.” Luke can hear her. “Sherry, I think you’ve had enough to drink.”
“My boyfriend coming to rescue me.”
“You know I’m not your boyfriend. We’re friends, now stop telling everyone and embarrassing me.”
“But?” She cries and walks off.
She’s all alone; no one came after her. Everyone is still outside. She tries to go to sleep but can’t. Luke finally comes in with all his friends; they’re staying the night once again. He joins her on the mattress.
“I’m going away for a few days, so you need to go home tomorrow.”
“Why?” She asks nervously.
“Work. I’ll phone you when I get reception.”
“Okay, I’ll miss you.”
“Good night.” No kiss, nothing. Tears start to form, but she wipes them away before they can fall.
She doesn’t hear from him for five days but doesn’t think anything of it, as he’s at work with no reception. She still believes he’s her boyfriend, but deep down she knows the truth. She isn’t ready yet to face it.

© 2018, Taryn Feldmann. All rights reserved