One day, a child complained to his working father. "Daddy, can I talk?" Said the Son.
"What's up, son?" asked the father.
The father sat next to his son and said, "Let's tell my son, I'll listen."
"I'm tired, very tired of this, dad ..."
"I'm tired because I studied desperately to get good grades, while my friends can get good grades by cheating ...
I want to cheat it! I'm tired, very tired .... "
"I'm tired because I have to continue to help Mother clean the house, while my friend has a maid.
I want us to have a maid, father! "
"... I'm tired, very tired ..."
"I'm tired because I have to save,
my friend can continue to snack without having to save ...
I want a snack keep going! ... "
"I'm tired, because I have to keep my attitude to respect my friends, while friends of my friends casually just behave to me .."
"I'm tired, very tired because I have to keep my license to not hurt, while my friend just talk until I hurt ..."
"I'm tired of Dad, holding back like this ...
I want to be like them ... they look happy, I want to behave like they Daddy! .. "
The boy starts crying ...
The father just smiled
and stroked his son's head while saying
"My son come with Daddy, I'll show you something."
Then the father withdrew the Son's hand. Then they walk down a very ugly and rocky road, lots of thorns, insects, mud, and weeds.
The child began to complain.
"I do not like this road, see my shoes get dirty, my leg is wounded by a thorn, my body is surrounded by insects, disgusted, walking is difficult because there are a lot of weeds, I hate this way Daddy."
The Father is silent.
Finally they came to a very beautiful lake, the water was very clear and fresh, the air was so cool, there were many butterflies, beautiful flowers, and very shady trees.
"Wwaaaah ...
What is this place father? I really like ! I love this place! "
The father was silent and then invited the child to sit under a shady tree with green grass.
"Come my son, come sit next to Dad ..." said the father.
Then the Son sat down beside his father.
"My son, do you know why it's so quiet here? Where is this place so beautiful? "
"Do not know Dad, so what?"
"It's because people do not want to go down that ugly road, but they know there is a beautiful lake here, but they do not want to bother to come here. They do not want to be patient in walking down that path. I want a shortcut ... "
"Ooh ... means we are including a patient person ya Well,
"Well, finally you understand."
"Understand what ? I do not understand."
"My child,...
need Patience in learning,
need Patience in being nice,
need Patience in Honesty,
need Patience in every goodness.
In order for us to get a true victory, like the way it was ... "
"Do not you have to be patient when thorns hurt your legs? You have to be patient when the mud fouls your shoes, you have to be patient as you pass the weeds and you have to be patient when surrounded by insects, but eventually it all pays off well?
"There is a very beautiful lake.If you are impatient, what do you get? You will not get anything my son.Perhaps just a false happiness.Lahong success who will soon be shattered to pieces.Therefore be patient my son."
"But Father, it's not easy to be patient."
"You know, therefore there is a father who holds your hand to keep you strong.
Similarly in this life, there are Father and Mother who will continue to be beside you so that when you fall, we can lift you up. "
"But remember my son ...
Mom and Dad can not always lift you when you fall. Someday you must be able to stand on your own.
Then do not you ever put your life on others, be yourself. A strong religious child, who remains steadfast and patient, then you will find yourself still walking through life, at other times deciding to stop and go home.
You know now, right? "
"Yes Dad, I see ...
I will have a beautiful paradise more beautiful than this lake. Now I understand. Thank you Dad, I will stay WAIT and TEGAR when others are EXPECTED ... "
"Father is very fond of you My son.
If you are an adult, then be like the water that is in this lake. So beautiful and clean. It becomes a source of strength and life for anything and anyone around it.
This water makes the Flower look so Beautiful and so many shade trees here......
Be you someday like that ... "
"Being a source of strength and life for the people around you ............"
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb
Neutuleh ju panjang that, h h h $1000
Nyan ban rneh oh ka jaya 😂