Scheherazade is a superb intelligent and clever girl, she knows how to take advantage of an opportunity, rather I would say that most girls know how to get their work out of boys beautiful women know that men have to come to them in the end. this is the reason why she gets her words and desires from men very easily and I think it is not wrong because it is a man's duty to fulfill his wife's responsibilities. Scheherazade is doing the same at the moment, she knows that how she has to convince the King Schahriar to obey her words.
Scheherazade's wisdom is that she has put the King Schahriar in a story that only she knows the end of and the King Schahriar should not kill Scheherazade without hearing the end of the story because the he is taking too much interest in the story because King Schahriar knows that if he kills the girl named Scheherazade, he will never hear the last of the story from anyone.
If I put it in simple words, Scheherazade is doing to the King Schahriar what the first sheikh (A sheikh is a respectable old man) is doing to efreet. Like the sheikh who has put a condition to efreet "O efreet, O the chief of the kings of the genies and their crown, if I tell you my story with this gazelle, and let you marvel at it, as a reward, will you spare me a third of this merchant's blood?" and efreet agreed on it. In the same way, Scheherazade also told stories to the king and in return would demand something from the King Schahriar as a reward and whatever she asks for, the King Schahriar will be ready to give her as a reward because he has to hear the next part of the story.