Folk Tales from Gascony: The Bastard, Part 1.

in #storylast year (edited)

This is post #25 of my penance after I have been blacklisted by Hivewatchers for plagiarizing.
No need to upvote this post, as the payout has been declined.
But comments are welcome. I will continue to upvote all meaningful comments.



Once upon a time, in Sainte-Radegonde, there was a child who was called the Bastard, because he had never known his father or his mother. This child earned his poor living tending sheep, in the woods of Réjaumont.

One summer day, the Bastard was guarding sheep in the woods, as usual. It was noon. The sun was shining, and the child slept for a while, lying at the foot of an old oak tree. Suddenly he heard terrible screams and woke up. It was a large eagle that came from the mountains, and which flew as fast as the wind. The great eagle came and perched on the top of the old oak.

“Bastard, Bastard, the aptly named, listen, listen. Your mother is dead, and you will never, ever see her. She died, after having mourned her sin for a long time. Now she is with the Good Lord. Your father is the King of France, and the proof of what I tell you is written in your mouth. If, before the right moment, you show your tongue to anyone other than your father, who must see it first, the son of the King of France and his mother will know it, and they will put you to death. When it is time to make your first communion, wait until you find a dead priest, who will confess to you, who will give you the host, and who will not be able to tell anyone what he has seen and heard. If you do what I command you, you will be king after your father. But you are not at the end of your trials, and nothing will be given to you until you have won it a hundred times."

Then the great eagle flew back, shouting, towards the Mountain, and he never, ever returned.

From that moment on, the Bastard thought night and day about what he had seen and heard. The parish priest could never persuade him to make his first communion. However, the Bastard was well-regarded by everyone, because he was as devout as a priest, strong as a pair of oxen, and always ready to be of service to everyone.

When the Bastard was twenty years old, he left, one Sunday morning, to hear high mass at the church of La Sauvetat. At this mass, there was a young lady of fifteen, beautiful as day, and honest as gold. She was the daughter of a nobleman, who lived at the Castle of Sérillac, near La Sauvetat. Immediately, the Bastard fell madly in love with the young lady; and in the evening he did not take his eyes off her throughout vespers. As she was leaving the church, with her parents, the Bastard looked everywhere to see if there wasn't some gallant, to kill him like a dog. Fortunately, there were none. Then the Bastard thought:

“This young lady must be my wife. Otherwise, I am capable of causing great misfortune. »

That thought, he waited until the noble and his people had returned to Sérillac, and came to knock at the castle door.

“Good evening, noble."

"Good evening, Bastard. What did you come to do here?"

—"Noble, I want to speak to you in private."

The people of the castle left the room and left them both alone.

“Noble, your young daughter must be my wife. Otherwise, I am capable of causing great misfortune."

"Bastard, you will have my daughter on two conditions. Prove to me that you are noble. Prove to me that you are rich. I have no money to give to my daughter, and I don't want her to be hungry and thirsty."

"Noble, I am of greater blood than yours; and I would have quickly proved it to you if I had not been commanded to remain silent. Rich, I will work to become rich. In the meantime, tell the gallants to stay away from your daughter. Otherwise, I am capable of causing great misfortune."

The Bastard greeted the nobleman and left.

Source: Le Bâtard, from the French book Contes populaires de la Gascogne, tome 1, published in 1886

Part 2

Previous tale: The Two Twins

Hello, my name is Vincent Celier.


I am writing translations of folk tales that I found in public domain French books, so that people who do not understand French may enjoy them too.


This is the second tale in the section "Perilous Adventures".

It is another tale of a poor man of a lower class who will become rich and of the highest class.

It is interesting that the tale is supposed to happen in various locations that are still in existence, including the Castle of Sérillac that, I understand, was built in the XIIIth century.

Until the 1960s, for communion in catholic churches, you had to stick out your tongue so that the priest placed the host on it. So, the priest could see your tongue. The Bastard did not want to receive communion because he did not want the priest to see his tongue before his father, the King of France, as the great eagle as told him.


Yesterday morning, there was a race that passed in front of the house of my brother Antoine. I took this picture when some of the slow runners were passing by.


Every first, third, and fifth Sunday, with my brothers and sisters we have a Zoom meeting, at 18:30 in France. It is a convenient hour for me in British Columbia, as it is 9:30 Pacific Time, and I am always up before 8:30.

So, yesterday, as it was the third Sunday of October, we met on Zoom. In the picture below, I am on the left and Antoine is on the right. On the screen, we have Benoit, us two, Philippe, then Monique and Bruno. Nicole and Jérôme arrived later.


The meeting usually lasts more than an hour. We give important news to each other, but mainly we have fun cracking jokes and remembering the good times of our youth.

-- Vincent Celier


Especially the end part of your post I really like it. It looks like I also talking with my family, my mother and siblings and Same, we share important news and jokes and makes one another laugh and spend a good time.
I really enjoy this time when we spend time with family and laugh.
When we talk about the story, his name was given as bastard. That was not good.
If we don't know somebody parents, we don't have right to called them by any bad name.
It hurts alot to that body and somebody degrade the others and called that by this name to lose their confidence.
Eagle told him about his mother and father that he was the son of a king but he doesn't give any response to eagle.
Because he never seen his parents and don't have any feelings towards them.
When he was seeking for the girl , he is saying that he can earn money to became rich, why he don't say that he is the son of a king.

Do you know? now I am reading your post with more interest as you have added your daily life part to it. I am making your writing more authentic and more attractive to your audience. Keep sharing about your life with us, It is always good to read and know about it.

the time we spend with our family is one of the best time that we can ever spend in our life. I am happy to see you guys are talking to each other on video calls and cracking jokes about your past things. Does the running take place on a daily basis?

It's heart-wrenching that, people start calling that boy with the name of a bastard, we should not degrade anyone on the basis of caste or family. We all are equal and should be treated equally.

God Gives you a reward for all the suffering, now he knows that he is the son of the king, and this is told by an eagle, now he needs to proof it with the help of both ideas given to him. He also fell in love with the girl he saw.

Now the girl's father has told him, that if he wants to marry his daughter, he needs to belong to a higher blood and he should have enough money to feed her. so that in the future, she will not live a life of helplessness. I am hoping he will be able to proof that, he is the son of the king and he will live a happy life with the 15 year old beautiful girl forever.

Two days ago, I spent the whole night in the hospital because of my bad health. Now I am commenting if my health is fine.

The ending of the previous story was also very good and the way we see that you are your family members meeting your brothers and sisters, so here also Pakistani people who are family members every weekend. Meet those who get married, then everyone gathers at their parents' house and there is a lot of laughing and reminiscing about the past, so the time passes very well.

I really like the title image you have chosen for this story. The saddest thing is the way we see people distorting the name of who he was, not knowing his parents, making fun of him, not doing it at all. It should be because that person is living his life very miserable who does not know his parents nor has he seen the comforts of life that parents give to their children.

In this way the person goes into depression neither can focus on his studies nor can focus on his career he doesn't even know that he is also the son of a king who is being mocked by people. If they find out, their king will do something like this. Eagle has told him about your parents but he has never seen them and he is a desalit and he will probably never meet them because the world makes fun of him.

He was talking to the girl about earning money and saying that one day I will become a big man even though he knows that his father is a king but he still wants to do everything by his own hard work.

Wow, what an interesting story this is. Sometimes you wonder why life takes some course, some people get things come to them so easy but other have to both work and fight wars to be able to get whatever they have. Like the bastard who was told that whatever he would have, he would have to fight and win the battle for ut upto a hundred times.

However I believe he has imbibed all the qualities that are needed for his life's journey. He already knows how to order himsel fand he is keeping to the instructions given to him by the great eagle.

Another important thing I'm learning from the bastard is the fact that he is bold and knows what he wants and also goes for it. i.e asking for the Noble's daughter's hand in marriage.
In life we have to be certain of what we want and go for it irrespective of the hindrances.
I'm optimistic that the bastards will do so well and finally get to reclaim his father's throne.

From your stories, and the experience you've been sharing with us so far, I see how much value you place on family relationship, it's really good. I admire how United and loving your family is. Well done Sir

So we had finished the story of "The Twins" and now we are on the story of the "Bastard".
On my part, I would say that it seems like the bastard is a greedy person. Instead of focusing his attention on the priest in the church, he was busy admiring the Noble's daughter, and the confidence he used in approaching the Noble, and telling him that he wanted to marry his daughter, and that if anyone marries her aside him, that he would cause a great misfortune. And I guess he might have already forgotten that he was supposed to go in search of his father.

I really like the way you and your siblings do. You guys always try to create time and check on each other, even up to the extent of having a Zoom meeting, this is actually so nice.

At some piont, I thought the bastard would reveal his identity to the lady whom he desired greatly.

This is a story that would keep you on your toes as to whether he would reveal his identity or not. But from the little we've seen in this episode, he was wise enough to have heeded to the Eagle's advice even at a moment that was so tempting.

I'm eager to see how his journey would eventually turn out.

I love the story you put out here about your life. It adds a whole lot of spice to your write-ups. Your life entails a lot, the communion you have with long-time friends and even family members is really amazing.

Nice one❤️

Wow! This one just started and I am already enjoying it. The bastard was so brave not to receive communion, at least that's the only way the priest will not see his tongue. He really has a mind of his own, I was thinking he will go in search of his father the king after the eagle told him who his father was but instead he is taking his time and now he saw a wife to marry. Hmmm! I can't wait to see how the he will prove to the noble that he is capable and able to take care of his daughter. But I hope he hasn't forgotten what the great told him

Are you sure I am not gonna steal this family zoom meeting method from you 😁 I mean it is really a good way to catching up with each other no matter the distance. I love it. You and your brothers are really amazing to come with something like this.

This is an interesting tale. It's a bit different from the tale we read couples of days ago. It has a similarity, though. The main characters all love in love and were ready to do anything to have their love stayed.

In the chapter, the bastard is hard-working, and he is loved by many people for his industriousness.

It is really cool to see how his life is about to change forever only if he can stick to the Eagle advice to the very end. The Eagle has done its part by explaining how the bastard mothers had died and who his real father was. He can become a king after his father demise. However, he will have to remember the Eagle counsel and be ready to abide by it.

Now that the bastard has found love. I only hope the love wouldn't be an hindrance to achieving his aim in the future.

The pictures of the racers you took is amazing. Also, the cooperation amongst the members of your family is worth emulating. Seeing you guys having meeting scheduled shows how important you care for well-being of the entire family. I'm sure the discussion would have a way of bringing togetherness and unity. When likely are you going to be back to your place?

The twists and turns of life can change you from one moment to another, THE bastard turned out to be, not so bastard, his blood is the blood of a king, and as always love manifests itself in such a way that some challenges are always placed, I am sure that the bastard king, will be able to achieve all the challenges that are placed on him, however, it is necessary to wait what will happen in the next part.

I liked that idea of having a conversation with the brothers on a specific day and at a planned time, I think I will copy it and make that proposal, for my brothers who are in other cities in Venezuela, we always talk, but in separate conversations, never at the same time, I repeat I liked that idea.

That photo of the runners, besides making a good weather, it is perfect, it has a good picture.

It's another interesting story right here.
The bastard as he was called seems smart.
There was a temptation to reveal his identity when he visited Noble.
He didn't fall for that anyways.
On the course of their discussion, he was asked to proof his nobility and richness. He remembered that he had been commanded to remain silent, and silent he remained.
He only everted that temptation by telling that to Noble and by assuring him that he is of greater blood than him, even without having to prove a thing.
Bastard is brave.
He saw a girl of his dream and never hesitated to go for her.
He is not limited, never allowing himself to be limited by his circumstances.
He doesn't care what people think about him.
He only thinks about achieving his goals.
I hope he gets exactly what he wants.

You guys are bonded in a strong way, even in your numbers.
You really have a blessed family.

This is another lovely story from you. I can imagine how the Bastard will fell if he is being called Bastard all the time. He will feel extremely bad but I'm glad that he has a job he's doing to survive. I'm also wondering why he has never met his father nor mother before. Maybe they both dumped him after they gave birth to him.

Also, I am trying to imagine how he will feel after hearing a good news and bad news. The good news is that his father is the King of France and the bad news is that his mother is dead. Now, I am trying to think of how he will feel when he heard the news but I'm sure that he will be working towards meeting his father.

I think that is why he told the nobleman that he has a strong blood or something like that which means that he has it in mind to meet his father.

I just want to know the steps that he wants to take in meeting his father and I also hope he does not reveal that he is the prince if France to anyone so he won't get killed.

Great to start another new story. I must confess that your story you always share is always interesting and worth reading every single time. At first I was shocked wondering how can someone name be called bastard. Instead he should have been named orphan then. Life must have really been hard on that boy not having both father and mother.

How life will have been more pathetic for him to discover that his father is even the king of France. Well thank God the great eagle came to meet him to tell him what he needs to hear ahead before the time as that will save him from a lot of calamity. The bastard must have really been loved by many due to his loving Personality I strongly believe that.

Love finally find the hands of the child and he fall in love with a young lady. I strongly believe that for the lady to have won the heart of the boy, the lady must really be so so beautiful.

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The bastard's father is alive and a King for that matter. I'm trying to think about what happened to make him be in this situation. It's possible that after the death of the mother, he was taken far away from the kingdom by the greedy and wicked second wife of the King. Let's watch and see what happens.
I love the unity in your family.

Once again, a tale of great interest i can see. The bastard is made of noblest stuff though he didn't know it earlier but by his attitude, he shows he has blue blood running through his veins.
Love is a beautiful thing and I pray that Milady would be an asset rather than a hindrance.

The bastard has shown wisdom and strength. Everyone regarded him as a nonetity but soon enough, they will see him as a king so don't look down on anyone, misfortune can become fortune.

Who would have known it that the bastard is royalty. With the words of the bird to him, I wish he's able to reunite with his father, the King of France, and to chase away the usurper of the throne

This is such an amazing story. Calling a child bastard because he doesn’t know his father and mother sounds weird. And also,for an eagle to tell him his mother is dead and his father is the king of France.The eagle also told him that he should do as he say but he instead,he didn’t focus on that.
He didn’t focus on being the king after his father. Instead, he only focused on meeting a nobleman who has a fifteen year old girl, telling him his daughter must be his wife otherwise he would cause great misfortune.
From this story,I would say he should have focused his attention to the priest in the church and also focus on searching for his father