The white horse set off as quickly as the wind, to the deepest thicket of the great forest.
" Let's go! Son of the King of Spain. Here is the terrible wild beast."
For a full hour, the Son of the King of Spain fought with great sword blows against the terrible wild beast, without ever being able to strike it in the right place. He was starting to get tired. Then the King of Owls flew faster than lightning. With two pecks, he gouged out the eyes of the terrible wild beast.
"Son of the King of Spain. Hit the right spot."
The Son of the King of Spain obeys.
“Son of the King of Spain, the terrible wild beast has finished his mischief. Take the wine that restores youth, the wine of which only one bottle remains, the wine preserved since the wedding at Cana, where Our Lord Jesus Christ was invited. Son of the King of Spain, I paid you for your service. Farewell."
And the King of Owls flew into the great forest. He was never seen again, ever.
Then the Son of the King of Spain jumped on his white horse and galloped off again. After three leagues, he stopped near a stream to let his beast breathe. At the edge of the stream, a large wolf was struggling, its head caught in a trap.
What did the Son of the King of Spain do? He parted the jaws of the trap and freed the great wolf.
“Son of the King of Spain, thank you. You will be paid for your service. Son of the King of Spain, I am the King of Wolves. I know who you are, and what you want. You want to cut off the head of the Ogre, two toises high, who is the misfortune of this country. You want the armor that is proof against the sword, the bullet, and the cannonball."
"Wolf King, you spoke the truth."
"Son of the King of Spain, the Ogre, two toises high, who is the misfortune of this country, is over there, over there, in the thickest of this great forest. The Ogre has the sword, bullet, and cannon-proof armor on his back and chest. In place of the heart, there is a hole in the armor as big as a fist. This is the right place to strike. Son of the King of Spain, I will help you when it comes to battle. Let's go."
The Son of the King of Spain jumped on his white horse and took the King of Wolves on his back.
The white horse set off as quickly as the wind to the deepest thicket of the great forest.
"Son of the King of Spain. Here is the Ogre, two toises high, who is the misfortune of this country."
For a full hour, the Son of the King of Spain fought battle, with great sword blows, against the Ogre armed with an iron hammer, weighing seven quintals. But the Ogre had on his back and his chest the armor resistant to the sword, the bullet, and the cannonball. The Ogre always arranged himself so as never to present the hole as big as a fist, pierced in place of the heart, the right place to strike. The Son of the King of Spain was starting to get tired. Then the King of Wolves ran faster than lightning and jumped at the Ogre's legs.
"Son of the King of Spain. Hit the right spot."
The Son of the King of Spain obeys.
“Son of the King of Spain, the Ogre, two toises high, has finished causing misfortune to this country. Cut off the head, take the breastplate of this beggar, and load it on your horse. Son of the King of Spain, I paid you for your service. Farewell."
And the King of Wolfes got lost in the great forest. He was never seen again, ever.
Source: Le Fils du roi d'Espagne, from the French book Contes populaires de la Gascogne, tome 2, published in 1886
Hello, my name is Vincent Celier.
I am writing translations of folk tales that I found in public domain French books, so that people who do not understand French may enjoy them too.
The Son of the King of Spain was helped by two animals that he rescued, an owl and a wolf. Of course, these two animals were kings! And there were repetitions in the words spoken and in the description of actions.
The owl had a mixed reputation among the French peasants; on the one hand, it represented knowledge, on the other hand, it was thought of as the emanation of death and the incarnation of evil.
And, of course, the wolf was feared because it decimated the herds.
So, it is surprising that the Son of the King of Spain helped these two animals.
Today, we left Kati's vineyard house and moved to her mother's house in the city of Pécs.
The house is near a cemetery. Some people do not like the idea of living near a cemetery, but there are also advantages: there will never be a large building erected that will hide the view, and dead people will not make any disturbing noise.
Of course, Kormi was moved too. She was a little afraid of where we were going during the 20 minutes of the trip. But very quickly she found her marks. She will stay with Kati's mother until we return next year in the Spring.
In preparation for Kormi's arrival, a dog flap has been installed in the door of a shed.
We thought that she would not be allowed in the house and that she would sleep in the shed. But in fact, Kati's mother decided that she could stay in the house. She looks very happy about that.
-- Vincent Celier
the prince of Spain is trying his best to fulfil the promise he made to the king and the daughter of the king, which he wants to marry. he is ready to fight anyone who comes his way to get married to the love of his life.
in the meanwhile, with the help of two animals who became his friends on his way to battle the beasts, he has two friends with him to fight the next beast on his way. now things are sorting out and Prince is getting close to its goal.
I hope he will fulfil all the requirements that are needed for him to marry the daughter of the king.
The weather in the Kati's area looks great. I am sure you are enjoying it, is the rain disturbing you? I mean heavy rain, or it is just rain showers?
The winter has come and it's better to keep your dog in the house rather keeping it outside, it will be a sign of relief for the dog as well, and yes she looks happy.
That's great that You are shifting but why You have left the kati's vineyard house and staying here? It shows a great love of her mother towards kormi that She has installed dog flap in her entrance.
Kormi is a good dog and I think will not disturb them.
I like Your point of view about house near cemetery but I think mostly peoples do not want to live near this place due to fear.
Its looking so horrible. But no doubt like other places, there is less noise because dead peoples can't make noise.
If we talk about the story there is repetition of words. Why son of the king of spain could not call by his name or prince? He was calling by son of the king of spain.
He helped king of owls and king of wolves and they in return helped him in finishing his task.
It was a great task to killed ogre because he was well equiped and wearing armour. But with the help of animals he easily achieved his target.
The place which represents in stories is always fascinating and pretty like stream, dark forests etc.
The story of the prince of Spain could never be complete without mentioning his ever readiness to help anyone who needs his help, in this case animals. He helped the king of owls, he got the youth restoration wine. Now he has helped the king of wolves, through whose he was able to defeat the ogre two toises high and bringing misfortune to the country. He is victorious because of his kindness, not because of his bravery.
Are you going back to the City? You really enjoyed your stay in the countryside. I pray for your safety back to your home.
This tale is beginning to be getting more interesting and interesting. The son of the King of Spain is doing everything possible in his power to finish the quest given to him by his potential in-law.
As of now, he is done with two the three tasks. He is able to defeat the beast through the help of the creative that he has assisted. The way the son of the King of Spain has render assistance to the creatures is evidence that he is truly compassionate and kind.
I'm sure he will get to marry his dear lady when he completed his tasks.
It is amazing how you and Kati have decided pay her an mom an August visitation. She would certainly be happy about the fact that you guys come around.
People have a different view about living close to a cemetery. If it were to be my country there is a rumour that the death do meet in the night and the sight of the cemetery can be frightened. Like you said, there won't be any form of noise or disturbing in the neighbourhood. It is cool to also see that your in-law accepted to have your dog in the living room.
The trials set before the prince of Spain by the old King has been surmounted because the prince showed kindness, first to the King of owls who helped him defeat the terrible wild beast to get the youth restoration wine.
Again, he showed kindness to the King of wolf who helped him defeat the ogre two toises high and causing misfortune to the country. He cut off his head and took the breastplate as his price. His kindness made a way for him to defeat this enemies.
People are scared to live close to the cemetery because it is believed to be haunted by ghosts. How far it is true, I don't really know.
It is a fact that people are afraid of living in this place, especially at night and during the day, there is not so much fear here. If one wants to attain peace, then one can stay in such a place.
It is very important for a servant to be brave to stay here and as we see this dog is very beautiful and dogs are the most loyal to their owner.
Now we come to the story, as we saw in yesterday's episode, this prince who was very brave and we all felt that he would complete the task with ease and we saw it.
Yes it has gone and it has completed its first task with the help of some princes and now it is there and doing all the work very bravely now will it go back or proceed to the next task from there.
When a person goes with the hope that someone who loves him is waiting behind, then he works harder and succeeds.
Great! I'm waiting for this and wanna read it more but it ends over here but still waiting for it. The son of the king of the Spain is too kind , generous and honest man . The king of owl and the king of wolves due to their prayers and due to his own kindness to save their lives I hope he succeed at last. And the king become impressed by his boldness.The sword is also playing an important part in his battles. He is such a fearless, heroic man. some times people failed at 1st trail they give up on their happiness,their love , their affections I think these are timid person's but he is a character full of courage.
Usually people don't like to live across cemetery areas they give spooky and uneasy feelings. And some one who buried their loved once their they don't wanna feel that sorrow or grief that comes from loosing their love once.
The son of the king of Spain has been so lucky right from the beginning of the story, and it's because of his courage and kindness, that has been helping him. In this second part of the story, he was kind enough to save the wolf that was stocked by a trap. The king of Wolves he saved was the one who actually helped him to defeat the Ogre.
The son of the king Spain was able to get the wine that restores youths and the head of the Ogre due to his kindness towards the king of owls and the king of the wolves he rescued.
This story is actually teaching us about being kind and helping other people because you don't know who will be of help to you tomorrow.
Wow, so people actually live close to a cemetery. If I were the one, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night, because I would be scared that I may see spirits.
Again the Spanish Prince satisfies two of the conditions for wedding the king's daughter, acquiring the impenetrable armour and the wine that restores youth. All this was made possible because of one little act of kindness he showed to a wolf and an owl. Most people in his position would not have batted even an eyelid in the effort of rescuing the trapped animals, but he did, and therein lies his specialty. With these two conditions satisfied he is one step closer to wedding the love of his life.
Thanks for this interesting tale. And I hope you find your new home suitable and adequate enough. Wishing you and your family the very best. Regards.
This story shows us that it is good to be good. The son of the king of Spain was so good and kind and his kindness is paying him off. I got worried where he was struggling with with the great sword blows against the terrible wild beast but thank God the owl came to assist him in striking the right place. And again, he had a new friend "the wolf" who is helping him out again because of his good deeds. I hope we humans learn from this tale the importance of showing kindness to people. Because if only the son of the king of Spain had walked pass the owl and the wolf when they were in need, he wouldn't have seen be able to cross the two trials.
Wait a minute! You are going to leave Kormi till next year spring? That's pretty much long, She is going to miss you and Kati but I am sure she will enjoy her stay there and soon forget about you, lol.
The tale is coming close to the end and so far on a good note. It's been a victorious adventure for the son of the King of Spain so far.
The theme of these tale is about the advantages helping others in need, I see that the Prince can't resist helping any of the animals he saw that were in need. I could imagine him trying to help a wolf, that's dangerous though because the wolf could attack him, but didn't care about that. So he got his reward by being assited by those animals to complete two of his quests.
You've traveled so many times this year, you're really trying Sir. I wish you a wonderful stay.
I strongly believe the son of the king of Spain will overcome all the three terrible trial that the king has set before him and thank his goodness he has someone like the white horse to accompany him in the mission. It will make things easy for him also.
Definitely 1 full hour must have really been so hectic for the Son of the king of Spain. For him to have continually fought for one good hour without not getting tired at first show it's determination and the strength it possesses. I also know and predicted that the wild beast will give him tough time. Really a tough time and my prediction was right. Thank his goodness he was able to know with information where he should hit that it is his right spot and thank his goodness he obeyed. One thing I learnt there also is the power of information and knowledge. Not only that but also the power that lies in obedience to instructions.
I was so touched when the son of the king helped the struggling wolf. That is to show the tender heart he also has towards people or things that might be in pain. That is how good he is both inside and outside. One of the things that helped the son of the king of Spain is him always listening to instructions of hitting it at the right spot.
I can't wait for the next part as I believe it will be interesting just as this one was interesting. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing this.
I can imagine what it will be like to fight for one hour. It will be very crazy. I can't even do it because I may feel like losing my life. That's because I get tired quick but I must commend the prince of Spain for the great work. He did well by struggling and fighting so hard to make sure that he wins the fight but the main thing is that he was helped by some people.
As we all know, one good turn deserves another. He has helped those who helped him to win the battle before and that was why they have decided to help him too anytime he needs them. He is also brave too and I love that.
Nice story!
It is no surprise the two beast kings helped the son of the human king. It is clear you eventually get rewarded for whatever action you take.
The Son of the King of Spain proved himself a king in action. His act of helping the two beast kings shows how large his heart is which is an important quality for a king who cares for the welfare of his people. Also, his courage and bravery to face whatever challenge presented to him on his path to achieve his goal. Finally, his perseverance and valiance in the battles he faced.
There is a lot to learn from the story of the Son of The King of Spain.
Thank you Vincent for sharing
I love these stories, each one of them the protagonist always faces challenges that are usually very difficult, and the best of all is that he manages to get help in ways that are least expected, and always comes out triumphant.
Honestly, I feel very happy that Kormi can stay inside the house, I don't know if it happens to you, but one can get to love those animals very much, to think that he has to stay outside in the shed would make me feel very sad if he were my dog.
This story gets more interesting. The prince is good to animals even he was not afraid Of The wolf but set it free at his life's peril. One good turn deserves another. This expression played out in the life of the prince, he surmounted trials that would have cost him his life.
Katie's Mom must love dogs. The cemetery is a very quiet place, no noise, no pollution, a serene environment.
I love the second part of this story!! All thanks to the king of owls for his support to win the battle with the terrible wild beast and I’m also glad the son of the king of France got what he wanted.
I love the kind gesture of the son of the king of France to the king of wolves which made him get what he wanted.
But to my surprise,how did the king of wolves knows what he wants exactly.
But to my surprise,both the king of owls and the king of wolves left after helping the son of the king of France . What I can say about it is that they were purposely there for the son of the king of France to help him.
All I will say is that it’s good to be kind because there is reward for everything.
I’m glad that the son of the king of France could face the battles and won
I love his smartness and boldness
I knows this will definitely make the king give his daughter’s hand in marriage to the son of the king of France .
Did you read the title of the story? 😀
The Son of the King of SPAIN.
The Son of the King of Spain's quest can be viewed as a search for identity and purpose. This relates to the broader human inquiry into the meaning and purpose of one's life. The hero's journey often represents the search for self-identity and a sense of fulfillment. After all, we are all heroes on our quests through life.
The virtue of kindness can not be overemphasized because I would say that the trials set before the prince of Spain by the old King would have actually claimed his life. But he helped the king of owls and the king of wolves get their freedom and they in return paid him in kind.
Where I come from, people don't live around the cemetery because they see it as a bad omen.
In this new part of the story, as the son of the king of Spain successfully defeats the Ogre and obtains the armor resistant to all, he receives valuable assistance from the King of Wolves, ensuring the completion of the king's challenging trials. This looked like a battle royal 😀
#hive #posh
Interesting story
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