Folk Tales from Gascony: The Three Orange Apples, Part 3.

in #storylast year (edited)



The boy saluted the old woman and left.

Before sunset, he arrived at the king's castle.

“Good evening, king. Here are the three orange apples."

Quickly, the king opened the basket.

"Thank you, my friend. These are indeed three orange apples."

Immediately, her daughter ate the first one, and she got up from her bed. She ate the second one, and she got up, more beautiful and healthier than ever. She ate the third one and said:

“I will have neither peace nor rest until I am married to the boy who brought me the three orange apples."

The king looked askance at the boy.

“Boy, you will only marry my daughter if you chase away all the flies from the country."

"King, you will be obeyed."

The boy grabbed his whip. Just by hearing it click, flies would fly seven leagues around, never to return, ever. By sunset, not a single one remained in the country.

“King, I did what you commanded me."

The king looked askance at the boy.

“Boy, you will only marry my daughter if you keep three hundred hares in the countryside for a whole week, and if you bring them back to the stable every evening at sunset."

"King, you will be obeyed."

The boy took his silver whistle and went to look after three hundred hares in the countryside for a whole week. Every evening, at sunset, he whistled. Immediately the three hundred hares ran from all sides and followed him like dogs to the stable.

“King, I did what you commanded me."

The king looked askance at the boy.

“Boy, give me one of your hares."

"King, choose your hare. In payment, I ask that I put this gold ring on your daughter's finger."

"Boy, do what you want."

The boy put the golden ring on the king's daughter's finger. As soon as it passed, the golden ring became one with the flesh, and squeezed the finger so hard, so hard, that the king's daughter cried out:

“Father, I will die if you do not marry me to the boy who brought me the three orange apples."

"My daughter, you will marry him tomorrow."

Immediately, the golden ring no longer tightened, and the king's daughter remained quiet.

The wedding took place the next day, and the bride and groom lived happily for a long time.

Source: Les trois pommes d’orange, from the French book Contes populaires de la Gascogne, tome 2, published in 1886

Part 1 - Part 2

Next Tale: The Son of the King of Spain

Hello, my name is Vincent Celier.


I am writing translations of folk tales that I found in public domain French books, so that people who do not understand French may enjoy them too.


There is no real surprise at the end of this tale. The old woman (who was a fairy in fact) gave the boy everything to satisfy the king, and to force him to give his daughter in marriage.

In the 19th century and before, there were no TV, no radio, no record, and of course no Internet. Furthermore, many people were illiterate, so they could not read; books were of no use to them. In the country, there were no libraries. So literate people had access to few books, that they could read aloud for the illiterate ones.

So, entertainment was mostly live music and listening to tales.

As we have seen, there are many repetitions in these tales. The tales were also told again and again, and people enjoyed them each time, even though they already knew the story. This is similar to people nowadays who see a movie repeatedly because they like it.


As I said yesterday, Kati fried the zucchini that had grown in the vegetable patch in the middle of the "lawn" that is near her house.


She used only two of the zucchini, the green one and one of the yellow one. She had to make two batches, as the frying pan was not large enough for the whole.


I really like fried zucchini and I enjoyed myself eating those. I did not notice any difference in taste between the green and the yellow zucchini.


Bon appétit!

-- Vincent Celier


This end happily unlike the tale of the two twins and the two fairies. It was good the boy followed every instruction given to him by the old woman. But I came to realize something that the king never really wanted to marry his daughter to the lucky person, if not, why will he give the boy so many trials after bringing the three orange apples? It was for him to fail then he won't be able to marry his daughter again but thank God for the old woman who already gave him some hint about every trial and the golden ring. I enjoyed reading through every part of this story and I can't wait for the next tale.

Wow! I came here fully with my appetite. I haven't tasted fried zucchini, I bet they will taste so good😋 I so much wish to have a bite of it already🤭

I don't try this vegetable ever but I like to try it when I was seeing Your post. Zucchini looking very tasty and fried looks like potato chips. Very tasty really 😋.
I also agree with You that at older times peoples used folk tales as an entertainment and enjoy listening.
When I was a child and my mother quickly finish her house work and at night she also told us stories of fairies and king, queen, princess and I always like to listening these tales.
It gives me memories about that time.
When We talk about the story, I also think the same that there was no misfortune and boy do the same act that a fairy told him.
She was the important character because she know avery thing. She helped him and in all his difficulties, She was proved to be helpful.
I will be waiting for the previous story that was to be continued.

The young man did all the tasks entrusted by the king and the woman who was in the field knew what would happen, and rewarded the young man by telling him everything that would happen and he had to follow to the letter what she predicted, as always the best thing about this story is that in the end always prevail happy endings.

The only difference between the two is the color of the shell, otherwise it is very good, my wife prepares it in the oven with homemade tomato sauce and a pinch of oregano, it is like a version of pizza but with zucchini.

bon appetit

Wow, the story actually ended well, but what I am trying to understand is that did the king put an additional task aside getting the three orange apples because he never wanted the boy to get married to the Princess. Well, all thanks to the old woman who actually helped the third son by giving him all the powers she knew he would need to get married to the Princess.
Aside that, I have observed that most of the time our rich men in the country wouldn't want a poor man to get married to their daughters, the reason been that they wouldn't be able to take care of there daughters. But they usually forget that if a good job is been given to the Man he will be able to take good care of their daughters. And that was exactly what was about to happen in this story, but the old woman actually helped the third son.

I was thinking that the green zucchini wouldn't be as sweet as the yellow one, but I was surprised to hear that they are both sweet and wouldn't be differentiated while eating.

Wow! The tale has a happy ending. It is good to see how it ends. The last son was able to follow all the old woman advice and counsel, which turned out really well for him.

Finally, he is able to win the king's daughter hand in marriage after he is able defeat and surmounted all the task the king has brought before him. You are wise indeed. He deserves to be with the king's daughter.

Your wife is surely a master chef. Looking at the pleasant view of the dishes. I'm sure it is yummy. How I wish I could have a bite of it. Do enjoy yourself.

I'm glad that this is how the story ended. Truthfulness will save you from so many mess and can even help you to be respected forever. Just look at this young boy. He may not even be as brave as his elder siblings but he was able to bring those three oranges home peacefully because he told the black woman the truth. Well, something like that is actually risky but let us just take it that his truthfulness helped him to achieve what he became.

I can imagine how rich he will be after getting married to the daughter of the King. He will be blessed and rich for life. I think this should serve as a lesson to everyone. Truthfulness is a virtue, not everyone has or but anyone who has it will be free from misfortunes.

Also, the dish looks yummy. I love it!

The moral lesson in this story points out honesty as one of the hallmarks of success. The youngest son was sincere and didn't like. He's also humble as he did not actually aspire to marry the king's daughter, all he wanted was something to take care of his parents. But fate had granted him an opportunity to better his life and that of his family.
The zucchinis look appetizing

As it is said that old and elderly people have more experience and we have seen this in this story too, these boys used to go but they were not getting apples because of the wisdom of this woman.

The young boy got the apples and now he will marry the princess of his choice and as we were seeing the king will also be happy now that he has fulfilled his promise and now he By the way, he's married and living happily ever after.

The story has a good ending, he got all the things and the king got what he wanted.

It is a pleasure to eat these vegetables which a person grows in his own garden and then when they are ripe and a person eats them at home, this vegetable looks very interesting and the vegetable is very good for human health. So much is good.

It's a good thing that the story ended on a very good note. Wisdom is paramount and with this virtue, the young man was able to get the Goodwill of the fairy who revealed the future to him.
Where I come from, we allow the zucchinis to get ripe and soft, then boil, mash and fry, to make a kind of sauce for eating yam. I like the way you eat yours too.

I knew this story was going to end well!!.
Everything the old woman said actually happened. It shows that the woman has the power to see the future… But why was the king so hard on the boy all because he doesn’t want the boy to get married to his daughter.
It shows how selfless the king is. He only cares about his daughter .
Despite the power the king has over the kingdom,he doesn’t have choice that to let the boy married to his daughter.
I’m sure the king will still think of how the boy found it possible to finish the whole task
I am happy he ended up marrying the king’s daughter and I’m sure he’s going be a good husband
I am also glad he ended up being rich

Interesting tale of how a lad found love with the king's daughter by bringing her tasty apples and following the kings difficult commands. I think after the royal wedding he will be full of thanks to the old woman for giving him the tips that won him the princess.
Thanks for taking the pains to translate these old French tales . And also no doubt the meal in the pictures are amazing.

I strongly believe the king must have been filled with so much joy and happiness at the first glance of seeing the fruit needed for his daughter to be heal to be finally delivered to him after so many trial by other sons. He must be filled of joy. And I am so happy that the son finally get married to the king daughter as he deserved it after Overcoming a lot of obstacles to do so.

What a happy ending this story has and I am really happy for that. It was worth reading from the first episode down to this last episode and I am happy that you share it with us.

This concluding part of the story is just what I suspected, a very happy ending because the youngest son would leave no stone unturned but would do everything according to what the spirit woman told him. And everything she told him came to pass, and he in turn obeyed all the instructions given to him.
But the King is a very cunny Man and I believe he didn't have the intention of giving out his daughter to the humble boy and without the backing of the supernatural woman, the Young lad wouldn't have been able to pass that difficulty test.
The zucchinis look appetizing.

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I must say that the old woman's assistance played a very important role in helping the younger son to marry the king's daughter finally.
Although what the king planned doing was wrong, because he didn't attach any other condition of marrying his daughter except that of bringing back the 3 orange apples. But when the boy succeeded he brought other conditions. All thanks to the old woman who saw these things ahead of time.

The fried Zucchini looks delicious 😋 enjoy your day Sir.

I like the story! It's a classic tale of a boy overcoming challenges to win the love of his princess. The ending is satisfying, with the boy and princess living happily ever after.