One Thousand and One Nights: The Story of the Hunchback with the Tailor, the Jew, the Christian, and the Barber of Baghdad: Twenty-fifth Night

in #story2 years ago (edited)



The Taylor's Narrative, Part 11.


Sheherazade said:

The barber said:

At this story of Bacbouk that I told, O my masters, to the caliph Montasser-Billah, he burst out laughing and said to me: “How well you tell the story! and what a lovely story! I answered: "In truth, I do not yet deserve these praises from you! For then what will you say when you have heard the story of each of my other brothers? But I'm afraid you think I'm talkative or indiscreet!" And the caliph answered: “Far from you! Hurry, on the contrary, to tell me what happened to your other brothers, to adorn my ears with this story like golden earrings, and do not be afraid to detail it for me at length, because I foresee that it will be delicious and full of flavor!" I then say:


“Know then, O emir of the Believers, that my second brother was called El-Haddar, for he mooed like a camel, and he was a toothache. As a job, he did absolutely nothing, and he gave me a lot of trouble with his adventures with women, of whom there is one, among a thousand.

One day as he was walking aimlessly through the streets of Baghdad, he saw an old woman coming towards him who said to him in a low voice: “Listen, man! I have to make you a proposal which you are free to accept or refuse, according to your agreement." And my brother stopped walking, and said: "I'm listening." The old woman continued: "But I can only propose this thing to you if you promise me not to indulge in talkativeness" And my brother Haddar replied: "Just talk." She said to him: "What would you think of a beautiful palace with running water, fruit trees, where wine would flow in never-empty goblets, where you would see lovely faces, where you would find smooth cheeks to kiss, thin, collapsible waists to own, and all things to that effect, and where would you stay, so, from evening till morning? And for all this, to enjoy all this, you would only have to conform to the condition laid down!"

At these words of the old woman, my brother El-Haddar said: "But, O my mistress, how is it that you come to make this proposal to me, precisely to me, to the exclusion of all others, among the creatures of Allah? And what is the thing in me that could please you and make you prefer me?" She answered: “I just told you, a moment ago, not to be verbose in words, to know how to be silent, and to act in silence. So follow me and say no more." Then the old woman walked away hastily, and my brother, enticed by the anticipation of all the promised things, began to follow her until they both arrived at a palace of very fine appearance, where the old woman penetrated and made my brother Haddar penetrate. And my brother saw that the interior was very beautiful, but what was contained there was even more beautiful: he fell in the middle of a group formed by four incomparable young girls; stretched on the carpets, they sang in delicious voices songs which would have moved the hardest rocks.

After the customary ceremonies, one of them rose, filled a cup, and drank it. And my brother Haddar thought it his duty to say to her: "May it be healthy and delicious and full of strength for you!" And he approached her quickly to take the empty cup from her and place himself at her service. But she immediately filled the cup and offered it to him, and Haddar took the cup and drank. And the young woman, while he was drinking, began to stroke the back of his neck, but a little too vigorously, because she gave him a strong blow with the palm of her hand. Then my brother Haddar got very angry, and got up to go, forgetting his promise to bear everything without protest. But the old woman approached him a little and winked at him to tell him: “You mustn’t! Rather stay and wait for the end!" And my brother obeyed and stayed and patiently endured all the whims of the girl, who pricked him, pinched him, and caressed his neck briskly in a way that was, on the whole, full of mischief and disagreeable. And the three others competed as best they could to who would play the best prank on him: one tugged his ear until it was ripped out, the other flicked him until it made him cry, and the third preferred to pinch it with fingernails. And my brother was very patient because the old woman always made a sign to him not to say anything. Finally, as if to reward him for his patience, the most beautiful of the young women rose and told him to undress completely; and he did so without objection. So she took a sprinkler of rose water and sprinkled it on him and said: “I like you very much. But you have a beard and mustache that I don't like. I don't like mustaches and beards that would sting my skin. So if you want to come with me, you'll have to shave your face completely first. He answered: "It is very difficult for me because it would be the greatest shame that could happen to me!" She said: "I could never love you any other way! You must!" Then my brother allowed himself to be led by the old woman into the next room, and the old woman cut off all his beard and shaved it off, then his mustaches and eyebrows. After which, she painted his face red and white and escorted him back among the young women. At this sight, they began to laugh so much that they fell on their behinds.

Then the most beautiful of the maidens came towards him and said: “O my master, you have now conquered my soul by the sight of your charms. So I have only one more favor to ask of you, and that is to perform before us, thus naked and pretty, some suggestive and elegant dance!" And as El-Haddar refused a little, she said to him: "I adjure you, by my life, to do it! And then you will possess me!" Then El-Haddar, to the sound of the darbouka, rhythmically handled by the old woman, wrapped a silk handkerchief around his waist and, stepping into the middle of the room, danced.

He danced with so much humor and contortions that the young women could not stop laughing; and they began to throw at his head everything they had at hand: pillows, fruit, drinks, and even flasks.

But only then did the last thing happen. The most beautiful of the maidens got up, and one by one, and taking all sorts of poses, and looking at my brother with eyes behind the scenes and as if wild with passion, she began to take off her clothes and there was nothing left for her. more than the thin shirt and the loose silk underpants. And, at this sight, El-Haddar, who had interrupted his dance, exclaimed: “Allah! God!" and he panicked extremely.

Then the old woman approached him and said to him: “Now it is a question of catching your lover on the run. For my mistress has the habit, once aroused by dancing and drinking, of undressing herself completely, and of indulging in the lover only if, after examining her bare limbs, her erect zebb and she deems it worthy of her for her lightness in running, so you're going to chase her everywhere, from room to room, and the zebb standing, until you can catch it. And only then will she let you ride on her!"

At these words, my brother threw off the silk sash and got ready to run. The young woman, for her part, threw off her fine shirt and boxer shorts, and appeared as neat as a young palm tree shivering in the breeze; and she picked up her momentum and dashed off, laughing loudly, and walked twice around the room. And my brother Haddar, the zebb standing and leading, was chasing her.

At this point in her narration, Sheherazade saw the morning appear and quietly fell silent.*

First Night - Second Night - Third Night - Fourth Night - Fifth Night - Sixth Night - Seventh Night
Eighth Night - Ninth Night - Tenth Night - Eleventh Night - Twelfth Night - Thirteenth Night
Fourteenth Night - Fifteenth Night - Sixteenth Night - Seventeenth Night - Eighteenth Night
Nineteenth Night - Twentieth Night - Twenty-first Night - Twenty-second Night
Thwenty-third Night - Twenty-fourth Night

Twenty-sixth Night


What a Shame, His other brother also fell into a women's trap. He should not fall in, but women know how to capture the attention of boys and use them for their own sake.

He got humiliated, in front of the other 3 girls and due to his contract with the old woman, he must stay silent and bear what was happening to him.

As he was not a good boy and was famous for running behind the girls, he hasn't said anything and let the girls do whatever they wanted to do with him.

The extreme part was shaving head and beard, If I was in his position, I would say no straightforwardly and would have left that place in a hurry. the play boy was waiting for the reward, he even allow the old women to shave their eyebrows, what a shame !!!

Now in the end he was to chase the most beautiful girl among all the present women and get a chance to sleep with her, but I think there is something hidden in this whole scenario, Something odd will happen to the Haddar which will be so dangerous for him. That's my gut feeling.

Oh, Almighty! I have always known women have an amazing power over men, especially with their physique but this story right from the beginning took it to the next level.

Imagine all the vulgar things El-Haddar was made to do just so he could have a glimpse of the women and the rest of the beautiful things the old woman promised him.

Now he has to chase a naked woman around the place until he could have the chance to have her completely.

I wonder where this is going though. And how this incident with El-Haddar had turned this barber into a talkative. I'll wait and see what unfolds with the women and El-Haddar and might probably get my answer.

Wow, what an intriguing and adventurous story! The tale of El-Haddar, the barber's second brother, is filled with unexpected twists and turns. It's fascinating how he stumbled upon a mysterious old woman who led him to a palace full of enchanting young women. The descriptions of the palace, the singing, and the playful antics of the girls create a vivid and captivating atmosphere.

El-Haddar's patience and endurance in the face of the girls' mischievous pranks demonstrate his commitment to fulfilling the old woman's condition. The climax of the story, where El-Haddar is asked to perform a suggestive dance and chase the most beautiful maiden, adds an element of humor and suspense.

I'm curious to know what happens next and how the story unfolds. The vivid imagery and lively narration make it an engaging and delightful tale. Thank you for sharing this entertaining story with us!

There is something about we women. If we want to do anything, we are surely going to do it. We would achieve it. Only God knows the plan that the old woman has for the young man. It is obvious in the story that she wants to hurt him and I guess that is why she told him not to say anyyhing. Even if he was in danger, he would not say anything.

Now, let us look at it. The guy cut off his beards because of what the ladies have asked him to do. Also, I'm wondering why he was asked to be chasing those women and if he was able to get the most beautiful, he will surely have fun with her. I don't know much but I'm sure that there will be a kind of twist in this story

The way we saw yesterday also the story is very interesting and after reading today's story I would like to say that this old lady who is madly in love with this boy and the way we all know that's how boys go crazy and she wants to fulfill her purpose.

She's a women, she's older, she knows how to drive guys crazy, she's doing it this way. His brother understands him a lot but he doesn't understand at all and he sees four days of moonlight. That's why he is doing what these women are asking him to do.

The story becomes very interesting now to see if the barber can save his brother from this woman or not.

These four beautiful ladies are driving all the brothers crazy and will fulfill their purpose in the upcoming episode.

A strange turn arrives at that moment. A person who was doing nothing can enjoyed in palace but how?
I think there is mischieves of women and she is playing a game with him.
End of the story is quite interesting. I will be waiting what happened to the next.
I think its a dream of young man and suddenly his eyes will be opened and he came out of his dream.

It was quite a strange and interesting proposition, I wonder if this will have some unexpected twist that ends up hurting the young man in the end... these types of things are never offered "for free" or without something in return...

The barber begins the story of his second brother EL-HADDAR.
EL-HADDAR was a womanizer and received a proposal from an old woman. She is she offered him a palace and all her privileges in exchange for fulfilling a single condition, not yet revealed.
The old woman takes him to the palace and the games begin with 4 beautiful young women. Something tells us that this second brother will not end well either.

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