The porridge.
Saint Thomas said:
"Will you serve us some porridge, if you make some?"
"How! If we do!" shouted the housewife, almost indignant. "It's been boiling for an hour, and for sure we'll all be eating it in five minutes."
“If it pleases God, I think,” replied the one who placed his hand inside Christ’s side.
"My faith! You would be Saint Thomas himself and you would not speak otherwise."
As she finished these words, the farmer's wife uttered a cry. The cauldron had just split in half so that all the porridge had spilled onto the hearth and onto the feet of this woman, who uttered pitiful cries.
"Well ! said the good saint, will you still call me Thomas out of irony?... Oh! never forget, all of you, that we are only assured of our share when we have eaten it… with the permission of the good Lord."
“No doubt,” said those present, "But it is quite certain that today we will do without porridge."
"Perhaps, my children, replied the travelers, lifting the cauldron, in which the porridge, boiled as before, was cooked to perfection in a few minutes, to the great astonishment of all these brave people...
And the poor burnt woman?
The poor burnt girl also had her share of porridge; his wound was instantly healed; and at this sight, the whole company, praising God, fell on their knees before the saints.
They soon withdrew, saying:
"Never forget, Christians, in your smallest actions, to submit to the will of the Lord Jesus.
Since that time, the true Bretons, and I think, the Christians of all countries, hardly fail to say: according to the will, or: with the permission of our Savior... And they act well because to say: if it pleases God, and meditate on a bad action, would be the height of hypocrisy.
Source: La Volonté de Dieu from the French book Contes et légendes de Basse-Bretagne published in 1891.
Next Tale: The Giant Goulaffre
Hello, my name is Vincent Celier.
I am writing translations of folk tales that I found in public domain French books, so that people who do not understand French may enjoy them too.
At the end of this tale, Saint Thomas and Saint John are once again preaching to people to rely on the will of God.
It looks like this tale has been written by a priest who wants to encourage people to follow the Christian faith.
Yesterday, once again we went to my house in Harrison Hot Springs.
It had been snowed a little during the last few days.

It is rather cold. The maximum today is -14°C. And tonight the temperature will be down to -17°C.
This is rather unusual for British Columbia, which is usually warmer than that.
-- Vincent Celier
How interesting!
It seems that this story has a very clear message of trust in God's will.
It is wonderful to see how St. Thomas and St. John continue to preach the Christian faith to people. I am sure the author, apparently being a priest, wishes to encourage people to find comfort and strength in their belief in God.
Faith can be a great source of hope and support in difficult times.
Very cold.
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After reading today's story, we already know this and now it has become more and more clear that no human being helps another human being without meaning when he has something to do with a human being. Then he talks to another person, so we see how many years this world has been going on and if we want to ask anyone for help, then we can only ask our God, God gives us no meaning. He gives all things, so it is our faith that whatever we want, we ask our God with a sincere heart, we will surely get it, and in the same way, we have seen many cases in our life and it is happening in the same way. It is visible in this story as well.
Here in our city it is only five degrees Celsius and the people here are not able to bear the cold because our city is known for its heat and as we all know that this kind of weather It happens that he is very good and enjoys playing with snow a lot.
The two saints succeeds in turning more people to submission to God's will. That's a commendable thing they did. It was surprising to see Thomas the Faithless emphasising submission to God's will even more then John. I think the families they converted to the way of truth will remain Christians for a long time.
Thanks for sharing.
Good luck with coping with the harsh weather and extreme temperature. Hope the year is going well for you and your family. Goodbye and God bless, @vcelier.
This is a story portraying God’s will in people’s lives and also to know that miracles still happen.
Even though the Cauldron fell and was smashed into pieces, the two saints actually used the presence of God to make it cook the porridge and also heal the lady’s leg
There is nothing as powerful as God
To God be the glory
It must be crazily cold over there
God's will would always be done here on Earth as it is done in Heaven, I think this was what Saint John and Saint Thomas were trying to make people understand. No one has the strength to make things happen except God ordained it. A very important lesson for Christians.
I get envious when I see people enjoying such low temperatures, we are almost scorched by the heat over here.
This tale is indeed so interesting. The message this tale is passing to the world is that we should all put our trust in God and that there is nothing impossible for him to do.
You could imagine what happened in the story, the poor burnt girl was healed only by eating the porridge that was cooked and everybody was surprised and started praising God. This is indeed a great testimony.
The weather over there will be so lovely. We suffer a lot of heat over hear.
That was a miracle performed by the Saints, the cauldron which fell and was split in two was still used to cook the porridge to perfection and the burnt lady's feet was healed completely by just eating the porridge.
The Saints' teaching is for people to rely on God's Will and not Man's.
It's extremely Cold over there 😊
Weather is still showing harshness here. As all around temperature is going down and winters are now very severe.
Blankets, heaters, all these things are doing nothing to overcome cold.
If we talk about the story, I came to know about end how they perched peoples and this thing also reveal that peoples believes in just actions that's why they are helping peoples just to show how great the miracles of God are.
Here the tale ends. Now the story is clear to me
They both act like unknown people to inspire other people to believe on god but they know. Now people trust on the god timing and God wills. They make the life of people easy that's good. It's interesting 👍
The weather is also harsh here from last 3weeks. No sunny day I'm just freezing 🥶 hope you are enjoying and have a good health.
The porridge might have really been sweet and tempting to resist and most times it can be sweet to eat after getting. If it pleases God, I love that aspect of the way that it is God will that is been put first and that is to show the fact that both their mindset is the fact they have it and also the saint is also good. Both Saint Thomas most especially also which is great also.
"At the end of this tale, Saint Thomas and Saint John are once again preaching to people to rely on the will of God.
It looks like this tale has been written by a priest who wants to encourage people to follow the Christian faith."
That is to show how it should be because they should actually showcase the people to always rely on god will no matter what.
Saint Thomas actually knew what he want but I guess he want to predict like he doesn't know it and that is interesting. One thing I also learnt is the fact that we can see that in all situations, they always want God will to be done and God way to be done irrespective of the perspective of it also. The poor burnt woman was not expecting to actually be in that shape and that actually tell in her response to the saints actually. It is quite interesting also how they were able to change the perspective of the old woman about somethings and that is very important
That was a rather interesting story. Compared to the previous tales, this one didn't have magical beasts or fairies, but there were still miracles. I agree that it seems very religious, which I think was common for that time.
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