Publish your book on Amazon for free

in #story6 years ago (edited)


If you want step-by-step help from finding your book idea to writing your book in 3 steps, becoming a bestseller and turning your book into a business.- you can save $400 or $1,000 now

Learn more here

Chandler will walk you through the entire process, with specific strategies, action steps, templates, and more.

But you don’t need a book idea -- yet.

You don’t need a lot of time. (He’ll show you how to become a published author in just 30 minutes a day.)

You don’t need writing talent.

And you don’t even need to decide anything now.

You can try Self-Publishing School and then decide if it’s right for you.
Give it a shot!

Make sure you grab your spot now while class is still open.

Now, Self-Publishing School isn’t for everyone.

It isn’t a magic bullet.

It won’t write or publish your book for you.

It won’t mysteriously deposit million-dollar checks into your bank account.​

And it won’t transform your life overnight.

But if you want the exact roadmap to go from “no idea” to bestseller in months instead of years, you owe it to yourself to find out more now.

Plus, Chandler created a private community to keep you on track, help you, and hold you accountable.

Hundreds of students have gotten their start at Self-Publishing School, including a New York Times Bestselling Author and dozens of #1 bestsellers.

They knew it would take work -- but they also knew the right knowledge could​ save MONTHS or YEARS off your path to success.

P.S. If you’re ready to become a bestselling author – and build the income and life you deserve – check out Self-Publishing School now.

But hurry because Self-Publishing School closes soon.

Make yourself an excellent Christmas gift!


This post was used by SttPscript to filter some new English words to my daily lessons =>