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RE: Dreams of High Drama and the Mundane

in #story7 years ago

Monocles of Misunderstanding part I: The Donuts of Desolation.

I think you're on to something here. And after all, we interact with the world as much through our stomachs as through our minds. The first organisms survived by absorbing the other first organisms. They were all stomach. Conquer, then divide. And their only sense was chemical. Then the mitochondria discovered they could provide a service to the host, if only they could avoid their own absorption.

In this way, the donut could provide two interfaces to the world: as a lens for concentrating light and as a source of chemical reaction and sustenance.

But what is the significance of the pale stick-shaped donut being substituted for a round chocolate one? I fear we may need a Freudian interpretation here.


Donuts of Desolation, love it. (I just typed desolution...if that is not a word, it should be. I'm writing it down. Stay tuned and keep a close eye out for it in the future...)

As for doughnuts and orrifi...I have no doubt the good doc-tor would have something to say about the appendular stick and it's 'relationship' with the circular doughnut 'airspace', but we will stick to PG here for this site. I've already used up a lot of NQSFW tags to date, and don't want to sully my stellar (ahem), reputation by utilizing ALL of my allotment of tags.

Wow, your mitochondrial discussion brought back a flood-wave of biology I have not thought about for quite some time. (No doubt too busy writing about sandwiches and lost shoes and plants from other planets and errant Christmas-representations and such).

I Do believe you are on to something and the pluralism of the fatted doughball beyond the visual sphere of 'things'. Do I smell a PhD arising soon? Or maybe we should do a collaborational Science post. No doubt the Schteinn School of the Sophisticated Sciences would lend some help. Though I fear you might be a bit out of their league...they being a lower-tier accreditational school and all. (They were demoted or dis-acredited down from 'college'. More may come out about that in future postings..)