I'm Jewish from Israel, and i'm going to talk to you about my view on the Israel-Palestine conflict and why Palestine is in the wrong side.
Palestinians are grown to hate Israelis and Jewish people in general, they think we stole their land and they are doing literally anything to harm us.
They are doing a lot of terrosits attacks, an excelent example of a unhuman move from them was when a 13 years old palestinian chased people in the street and shouted "Allah Akbar" and ofc, stabbed innocent people. He was shot and was taken care of, he's well now, ofc, because our Hospitals care about anyone, no matter what he did.
We have one of the biggest gay prides in the world and the biggest gay pride in the middle east while in arabic middle east countries, gays are still scared to come out and gays still gets killed just because they are gays.
In Israel, you can be Jewish, Chrsitian or Muslim and u will still live with respect and with peace, in a succesful with a lot of options country.
In other middle east countries, u can't.
Israelis and Jewish people invented - Facebook, Google, Whatsapp, Waze, Mobileye, and more alot of things that made the world better. You wouldn't have a working phone if it wasn't for the jewish people.
now, ask yourself this question.
In what country would you prefer living?
Israel or Palestine?
I think we all know the answer for that.
Have a great day and remember to respect and love any human no matter of his race color or sex.
Thank you.
Short and simple post. No begging the the question. Boldly put. I LOVE JERUSALEM.