My experience with my first child ♡ Doctor thought it was best to get rid of my babyboy! 💔

in #story8 years ago


I was only 18 when I got pregnant with my first child. I was happy excited and nervous at the same time. I had already experienced a miscarriage. Worst feeling ever. So I was afraid of losing another baby. But I got through the first 3 months. At 5 months pregnant I went for a sonogram to see how big my baby was, I was so excited to see him and how big he had gotten.


As I was in the room and the nurse started to check my baby I felt something was wrong. She was quiet not talking at all. I asked "how’s the baby"? She said he’s good but you have to wait until the doctor comes and he'll answer all your questions. I knew something was wrong and she didn’t want to tell me. I also thought maybe I am just being paranoid and nothing was wrong these are probably their rules and I must wait for the doctor.


The doctor comes in and starts talking and he tells me...I am sorry Ms. Yaneth your baby has a deformation in his stomach and you should think about aborting. You are too young to raise a baby with issues. He will have many problems and most likely you will deliver him but he will die right away or he will not live pass 2 years old. I will schedule you for a d&c (Dilation and Curettage) to get rid of my baby at 5 months. 😢 At this point I am lost for words and just wanted to go and cry and scream.


That whole time I was with my fiancé and we went outside to kind of swallow what this doctor told us. We just cried we hugged each other and we were just confused and scared. But it never crossed our minds to get rid of our Babyboy. It was the total opposite we were so happy that we were going to be first time parents of a baby boy. I felt so much pain like someone had just stabbed me in my stomach. I was so sad and really scared just thinking whether my baby would live. I had carried him for 5 months already. I felt his movements inside of me, every night I would put music by my stomach and feel his little kicks, now all of a sudden this doctor not only informs me some bad news but also tried to give me no hope for my bsby.


After my conversation with my fiancé we decided to go back and tell this doctor that I was not getting rid of my baby that he can cancel my appointment he made without my consent. Whether my baby is deformed or whatever. If God gave him to me he will not take him away. We told them we will go somewhere else because we didn’t feel right in this place. They were all so unprofessional. So much that I cried with my fiancé we felt the urge to find other doctors and opinions about my baby’s diagnose. Eventually we ended up finding a high risk OB/GYN my second opinion. This is where my journey begins….where I decide what I should do with my baby.


Stay tuned to find out what i decided to do....
@upvote resteem & follow me

Thank you!
Have a great night! 😊


Thanks for sharing your story. @yaneth This hits home for me. I lost 2 children before God Blessed Me with 2 more.

Oh wow so sorry to hear but glad God blessed you with your two babies. God bless you! & stay tuned so you can find out what we went through! 😊@social-butterfly

Thank You for your kind words!! @yaneth waiting for your next Post.

Wow that is wonderful he gave you your 2 children back, that's gotta be hard but now you have plenty of love from your little ones, God bless you

Thank You!! @alessio it was very hard. I will be forever Thankful for my beautiful children. God Bless you & your Family.

Thanks for sharing. I'll be following your story.

Thank you stay tuned! 😉😊 @ecentrally


Thanks for opening up. I will be following your story.

@xtrodinarypilot thank you so much! I will be posting soon ! 😊😉

Such an evil doctor... gunna keep readin' this :)

This amazing story is worth to resteem👍❤️

Thank you @alessio stay tuned!! 😉😊