Kessy’s group in Papua, New Guinea

in #story4 years ago



My name is Kessy. I’m from Papua New Guinea. I’m deeply grateful to have come across Yeshua Groups. I’m inspired by the Group’s mission of re-discovering and practicing the ancient art of story-telling Biblical stories and seeing our own stories in the light of them.

A little bit about me. I was born and raised in a very religious Christian family and community of the Lutheran faith. I’ve always had this hunger to know God more and my seeking-God journey led me to the mercy of God and I accepted Yeshua HaMashiach as my personal Lord and Savior at the age of 24 (1998). For the next 20 years, I lived a Christian life that had its moments of revival as well as ‘going through the valley of shadow of death’ experiences. Sometimes, I became complacent and lukewarm, even though I had switched to celebrating Shabbat by 2004. But Adonai in His faithfulness kept me. I’m eternally grateful to Him.

My complete turnaround in my faith and walk with YAH came about in 2019. I attended the Purim Conference hosted by the Messianic Movement in my city called ‘Teshuvah’. The guest speakers were Dr Dominiquae Bierman and Rabbi Baruch Bierman who came all the way from Israel. Right after the conference, I became a student of the GRM Israeli Bible School [which I do online].

For the first time in my entire life, I began to understand the Bible [Hebrew Holy Scriptures] in a completely new dimension.

  • I rediscovered the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith, and unlearned how the devil’s lies have been perpetuated through institutionalized religious systems;
  • I understood what it means to be grafted in [Romans 11];
  • I rediscovered the Biblical key of Abraham [Genesis 12:3] that reverses blessings and curses and unpacks the nation of Israel as the mother of believers in the God of the Bible. This increased my love and appreciation for the Jewish people;
  • I am on a journey of discovery of the secrets as to how the first century Apostles and followers of Yeshua were powerful. They were connected to the Hebrew roots, they operated in love.
  • I learnt about Replacement Theology [RT] and its fruits. It is critical to understand that the third day (third millennium) revival and restoration movement is about reconnecting to the roots.
  • I had my ‘mikveh’ and renounced RT. I use the original Biblical Hebrew names of Yeshua, Yahveh Elohim (YAH).

I see my story in the light of the story of Moabite woman named Ruth [the book of Ruth in the Hebrew Holy Scriptures]. This story took place in ancient Israel and Moab (present-day Jordan), during the time the judges ruled.

Ephrathites from Bethlehem, Elimelech, his wife Naomi and sons Mahlon and Chilion escaped from a famine and went to live in the land of Moab. While in Moab, Mahlon and Chilion took Moabite wives Ruth and Orpah. Calamity struck. Elimelech died. Then his two sons died, too, without any children.

In “exceedingly bitter” state, Naomi was about to return to Bethlehem. She told her two daughters-in-law to return to their mother’s house (family). Her two daughters-in-law “lifted up their voices and wept”. Orpah kissed Naomi goodbye and left. Ruth, however, clung to Naomi. Ruth said:

“Entreat me not to leave you or to return from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God…” [Ruth 1:16].

Ruth, a Gentile woman, made a deliberate choice to forsake the comfort of her country, her family, her future, and her gods. She elected to go on an unknown journey to go with Naomi. Naomi probably was an elderly woman, as she said “for I am too old to have a husband”. Ruth did not consider her own comfort and life. She loved Naomi and cared about Naomi’s welfare. She went with Naomi to care for her and comfort her for she was in an emotionally bitter state. The story is telling us that one of the ways we can minister to people is to simply be there for them, help them, pray for them, and offer words of comfort.

Ruth chose Naomi’s God – the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – Yahveh Elohim, as her God. She blessed Naomi (a Jew) when she was in distress. Ruth, through her choices and decisions, invoked Genesis 12:3. Therefore, even though she is a Gentile woman, she was blessed to become the great-grandmother of King David, and through this Gentile woman’s lineage we have Yeshua HaMashiach. Ruth became royalty because she blessed a child of Abraham.

Through my own journey, I have found much blessing in reconnecting to the Hebrew roots of the faith. The story of Ruth also resonates with Romans 11, which tells us that Gentiles are grafted into the olive tree of Israel. I love and support Israel. I love the Jewish people. They gave us Yeshua and the Bible. I document my journey in my blog: Facebook: Personal Facebook a/c:

In my village-based community, I am involved in having meetings with young people and my community about God and Bible as part of promoting peaceful island communities based on Christian principles. I am planning to incorporate what I am learning in Yeshua Groups into that.

I am looking forward to being part of Yeshua Groups, and looking forward to hearing others’ stories. I am very interested to learn the art of story-telling. I thank YAH for you Izzy Avraham for starting this movement.

Interested in starting a group?