Sea Carnation Story

in #story7 years ago


Do you remember the story of the sea behind where we live? Sea-Ah, whatever the real name-What is clear is that the sea by the uncle and the neighbors is called the Sea of ​​Carnation. You may have forgotten that your busy work and obligations far beyond seem to leave little places in your brain and heart to remember those kind of grim tales. But I remember, and will never forget. The stretch of beach we step on every afternoon after a 10-minute cycling to the Sea of ​​Carnations, the faint breeze whispering your jokes and occasional care that you hide too often, and the rotten, salty smell of tears.

You may have forgotten why the Sea of ​​Carnations is so called.

You may also have forgotten the small waves and the quietness of the Sea Carnation at night which sometimes turns to blood red as it reflects the moon and the parade of clouds and stars.

Yes, the reflection of the moon and the stars are soft on the Sea Sea Carnation at a certain time red,

Blurred red and wavy,

Like a series of dozens of red carnation flowers thrown into the sea symbolizes grief.

Usually, after visible turtles of red spots melt in the Sea Carnation, there will be a sorrow that enveloped us all. They say, the sea is sad and hurt him for the bad things that will soon come. I think it's a coincidence, maybe just dozens of red algae that bloom or there is contamination.

But I still do not know why all things always happen coincide,

And, never mind, the sea was indeed called the Sea of ​​Carnation. I'm not exaggerating as you say usually.

You love a sad story, maybe even remember the sad story of an uncle who also does not believe in the sign of the Sea of ​​Carnations, the story of his lost lover when they swim on the beach late in the evening when last night, the sea water was red.

True, their birthdays coincide, and the wedding for next month on the same date is well planned. Uncle's lover is very good at swimming, he teaches a cowardly uncle with perseverance, until on the afternoon of their birthday, uncle invites him to swim in the Sea Carnation once again,

As a gift,


To show how Uncle practices all the knowledge he teaches, as a sign that they can swim freely together, anytime. They wore swimsuits before wearing casual clothes and riding bikes to the beach as we usually do. they rushed straight into the Sea of ​​Carnations irrespective of the rumor that morning yesterday the water had changed color. Uncle's lover is very surprised and proud to see his hard work so far paid off. The various styles he taught had been done by the uncle, and now he would try to dive by jumping off a rock right in the middle of the sea. Uncle climbed him-He was a strong climb, and now swam swiftly-Then looked at his lover with two braids who saw him so happy. She jumped beautifully, and despite a bit of trouble to re-balance her in the water, uncle finally came up with a smug face, calling out and looking for her lover.

But he was not there,
He is nowhere.

It was the last time Uncle saw his lover, saw him smile, before he finally found the red ribbon of his hair tucked between his toes.

The night before, all citizens are deployed to search for her lover, but until the full moon awakens in the sky and served thousands of stars who bewitch seawater into garden carnations, her lover is still not to be found.

That's why when you hear the sea change color again at night, Uncle will not allow us to approach the sea until two days ahead.

You're not my brother-not my sibling. But I consider you more than a friend, even more than a sibling or a foster brother. You are not my brother, but my uncle so cares for you like his own son. Just like how he loves me.

In the past we were only diligently listening to you, moving neighbors, playing guitars in your room alone, seeing you from the 2nd floor balcony of our wooden house until you finally wake up and never open your window shutters again. You may be embarrassed, but we can still hear your guitar voice. But after that, my uncle actually hobbies throwing paper planes that contain small letters. They sometimes contain pictures of landscapes-One of them is the Sea of ​​Carnations-And the letters are often caught in your room trawlis. Eventually my uncle ventured and took my hand to knock at the door of my house, my age has not budged yet, and I am in the habit of wearing shorts and rubber slippers that may not be polite enough to introduce myself. But you do not care, and welcome us kindly-Uncle tells how he likes your little music, and invites you to look around at the same time to meet the citizens,

Uncle invites you to Sea Carnation,

You like it;

And the uncle began to tell stories about the carnation of the Sea Carnage, as well as the fears of the citizens. But he has not told his story yet.

But you guys, just like us who console themselves,
No matter, and not afraid of the red tinge of the Sea of ​​Carnation.
"That's probably a coincidence!"
Say you.


For almost two years we know each other, and on your birthday, my uncle invites all of us to picnic on the Sea of ​​Carnation beach on a sunny afternoon. I eat more than 3 cupcakes, even almost spent your rations. But no matter, your parents do not even admonish me. You've already spent my klappertaart rations, and left only one teaspoon.

Do you remember how beautiful the Sea of ​​Carnations is when the sun sets? Like a theatrical stage whose set is being prepared for moments into the darkest lights. The sun disappears and changes with the moon's smile up there, the little stars slowly begin hanging neatly,

And the dark blue waters turn to violet,

Before they finally called the waves, and seen red spots on each reflection of starlight. A glimpse looks like a beautiful but painful painting. You are not afraid, just amazed to see a replica of blood pooled in a vast expanse of ocean with coral in the middle. My uncle directs us all to hurry up the picnic basket, and walk home to the roar of the night breeze. He will not let us approach the beach the next day.
The next day, your parents went to town to report to their boss, you were entrusted to your uncle. They promised to go home the next day,

But they did not come home.
They did not return,
And we still think of it as a coincidence.
You are sad, but not crying.

I'm a bit fatter than you riding on you with my red bicycle and trying to amuse you who kept hugging the guitar in the Carnation Sea. I'm sure I must have been a bitch at the time; keep talking endlessly and pulling your sleeves tightly until you scold me for fear of tearing.

But finally I managed to persuade you to play your guitar again, you smile a little,
And somehow I'm pretty sure you're starting to dislike me because it's too pushy;
But I do not think that's a problem at all.

You started living with my uncle and me since then, and became his darling. When we're old enough he always takes you while working at a clock shop-you're so reliable at assembling clocks and making songs for the clock of a automaton pouch with a music box-and I'm left alone to take care of my homework. But still I can not get rid of my habit of dragging you into the Sea of ​​Carnations when free and not working; you will play your guitar and I will either write letters to my friends or draw, and sometimes rain with you with questions you never answer.

As soon as we get back, the uncle will usually take you to tell stories and chat up to dinner and we go to bed.

You're a quiet person,
And I'm sure lonely uncle.
Lonely people sometimes talk a lot.

As my age grew, Uncle's fun stories sometimes turned into painful and heart-wrenching stories. You did not say it, but I can see from your eyes that you really enjoy hearing such stories. I do not like it, but I will not tell my uncle to stop telling him that. You both need it.

That's when Uncle tells the story of himself and his lover when we will finish dinner. I went back to sleep haunted stories about the sea that devoured his lover. In my dreams, I can see the waves of blood lunge and devour me. I do not want that to happen to me, to you, or to my uncle. I started to avoid the Sea Carnation at that time.

Flower Carnation,
In the language of flowers, in its entirety it shows a gentle beauty and love, such as mother's love, pride, and amazement; but sometimes we do not pay attention to the meaning of each color-
The pink carnation means I will never forget you,
The red carnation shows that my heart is inflamed for you,
The dark red carnation is a gift for the unfortunate and grieving heart.
I think they all portray the Sea of ​​Carnations appropriately.

After that the uncle began to tell more and more about his lover lost in the Sea Carnation. I do not know why, but that afternoon you were so eager to go to the Carnation Sea with your guitar. This time you're the one who dragged me to a place that I've been avoiding for a few days, you know how I refuse to leave, you who usually do not want to bother even to set up my bike and ride it first.

I do not want you to go alone, I follow you. I do not think anything, nothing bad will happen. After all we will not swim or plan to go far afterwards.

I followed you to the Sea of ​​Carnation. You sit without a word, just staring at me. And start playing Sonata Terang Bulan by Beethoven with your guitar as the sun turns into a moon. It was then that I realized it was my birthday, and you purposely played it for me. That night we spent a long time at the edge of the Carnation Sea chatting, though I talk more than you. I do not have my letters, so I can only play and twist your hair and say things.
We spend a long time by the Sea of ​​Carnation, and do not realize that the sea water turns red. I was shocked and ran like a puppy in fear when I realized it; you changed my sleeve and said that it's okay, no problem. I, you, and my uncle will continue together. Perhaps the Sea Carnation turns red not for us but the other residents, you think.

"Do not overdo it, you're spoiled, always asking, and over-exaggerating." You say, again. It's the thing that always comes out of your mouth.

The door of the house knocked, Uncle opened. I was surprised to learn that my uncle had prepared many of my favorite foods including klappertaart; this time I do not allow you to eat my klappertaart. It turns out it's your plan to make a small party on my birthday, to catch up on my uncle's birthday the next day.

Uncle, I did not think, would like to invite us to swim in the Sea of ​​Carnations tomorrow. He wanted to remember his youth while spending a lot of time swimming with his lover in the Sea of ​​Carnations, and said Uncle, we are the best substitute for her lover who has not returned until now.

I do not want to say yes, considering we just saw the sea water turned blood red. But I do not want you to say that I'm spoiled and exaggerated. I undertake the invitation of Uncle. But I will not swim, I never learn how to swim, and do not want to take risks even though I believe that you and your uncle will teach me.

Tomorrow morning we leave by bicycle. This time my uncle rides me, and you carry a picnic basket that I have been preparing since dawn and shouldering your guitar as usual.
As soon as you arrive, you and your uncle go directly to the Sea Carnation's blue waves and swim and chase each other. I sit on the edge of the water, drawing you so happy that you finally come out of the water to get sandwiches and a bottle of water. After finishing his bread, the uncle stood up and went back to the water saying aloud,

"I'll try to dive off the rock again."
Without looking back at us.
"No, uncle. You're old. "
"Better not, uncle. Day is getting late. "You tried to stop him too, but my uncle did not budge. He does not even look at us and continue to swim all the way to the middle. You try to catch up with him immediately, but before you get close to the rocks,

Uncle dive already.

After three long minutes you waited in the middle of the ocean and I kept calling your uncle and name to get back to the shore, uncle still did not show up.

You dive, comb through the edges to look for an uncle, but the result is nil, and you come back to me shivering. I wrap a towel on you, and leave you to go back to the cycling and call for people who have not been half an hour tidying the Sea of ​​Carnations and looking for an uncle.

The night came,
The day slowly changed,
Month after month,
Next year-
Uncle is still not back, and we have no grave for him.

We live alone in the house, you work every morning and I cook and take care of the house. On the sidelines of my piling laundry and holidays, you can not seem to let go of our habits to relax in the Sea of ​​Carnations that I have long wanted to leave behind. I can not refuse if it makes you happy and calm.

And I'm grateful,
For almost a whole year, I did not see the Sea of ​​Carnation changing again at night. Some bad things happen occasionally, but I'm very grateful that I did not see the coincidence with my own eyes.

One day you gave me the shocking news, this is the first time I saw a big smile on your face; You look passionate, happy, full of life. I see the young men around here are equally happy with you. They are excited, and they are proud of this because this is the right time to contribute to the country. You said it would be unfair for others to go and try far away while you're just here, looking at the ocean.

You begged to let go into a war volunteer, and I refused.
You beg, I refuse,
You beg, I refuse,
I refused, you begged.

And since I always seem to be incriminating you, on that account, I want to make you feel happy and happy once more-I finally let you go for a while, provided you promised to return whenever you were allowed to return.

You do not know when, and I'll always wait.

I will always be here, with the Carnaval Sea changing colors, and the hannas and the uncle's ghosts
Your guitar that you always care for,
For the moment I will not be able to pull the sleeves of your shirt,
And will not hear you call me spoiled and exaggerated.

We did not go to the Carnation Sea that afternoon, so did the next day. We are busy preparing for all the things you need to go, I satisfy pulling the sleeves of your shirts, and slip in the harmonica of the uncle that I can never use for you.

He will be better in your hands, and he will be a reminder that you go home, back to me.

We did not look at the Sea of ​​Carnation until the day of your departure, where with your bike you finally brought me to the harbor. We do not see the Sea of ​​Carnations, I do not know if the water changes color or not.

After you boarded the ship and I heartily pulled the sleeves of your shirt until you left for a while, I stayed at the harbor until sunset to see if this loose sea would change color as well or not; and until dark comes, and the star looks at me pity, no change in the color.

I pedaled my bike in silence. Even though the journey back we usually do not speak, though all the way home I keep on babbling and you're ignoring me, I'm pretty critical of this solitude.

Solitude when I can not find you anywhere, and remember your voice, or just twist your dark hair.

I'm not going to a lonely house, a house that is not inhabited by anyone-a house that when I come home, no one will welcome me.

My red bicycle kuk tiredly toward the Sea Carnation,

I shouted your name and half-raucous uncle, and cried to the moon and stars, and the rocks that witnessed the dastardly sasmita.

Sea Carnation since before I came, apparently has turned into a deep red,
Dark red that will either come back or not.

After tears of tears, I decided to go back home and spend the night alone at home. On the dining table; think of a dinner conversation scene coming out of the Sea Carnation, then go to bed looking at your guitar.


I tried to see the Sea Carnation in the morning, and it was no better than last night. Seawater that usually returns as usual when at sunrise did not return to blue. The sea remained full of red blood spots, which grew thicker and gradually, and day after day spread into a pool of blood.

Year after year, the color of the sea did not return as before.

However, for the sake of yourself and the past time, I always come to the Sea of ​​Carnations no matter what.

I hope you remember those stories.

I hope that no matter how busy you are crossed there, these short stories will make you miss and will come back.

The war is over, but you still have not returned home.
They say you will not go back to our house,
But I do not believe it.

Because every time we visit the Sea Carnation at our false twilight, I always see you swimming around the reef, just like you were looking for uncle in the last days.

When I call your name you will turn and swim, then walk all the way to the edge of your arms-Usually you never do that-And in your face is painted a big smile and a little laugh when you ask for permission that I release you for a while,

And once you get to the edge of the water that sweeps the sand,

You will disappear with the roar of the big waves that then wet all over my body and heart,

Red waves.
Sometimes, if I carry your guitar with me and fall asleep, or just close my eyes on the edge of the Sea of ​​Carnations, I will hear you playing guitar with the usual as usual,

Your short little tunes.

Lately I've also seen my uncle, calling out excitedly from the rock and waving his arms.

You stand a little farther than your uncle, and look at me with a smile that you seldom see.

I took off my footwear, tossed it back, toward your guitar I always carried with me from now on.

I took my dress, and walked slowly to the pool of blood that for so many years accompanied me,

Keep me waiting and keep you company always with me, always go back to Sea Carnation,

I keep walking while seeing your shadow become clearer and clearer,

When I lowered my head, I still found some patches in the middle of this blood-red sea. Some popped the pink star reflections, and gradually gradually became dark red as my steps slowly moved,

Immerse myself to my chest,
You pull the sleeves of my shirt,
Uncle jumped off the reef-

Maybe when my uncle wants to dive for the last time, this is what he sees.
Her lover waved her hand and smiled gently.

Flower Carnation.
The pink carnation means I will never forget you,
The red carnation shows that my heart is inflamed for you,
The dark red carnation is a gift for the unfortunate and grieving heart.
I think they all portray the Sea of ​​Carnations appropriately.

I am the Sea of ​​Carnations waiting for you,
Never changed since you left.
