Story Cubes Contest Round 12!

in #storycubes7 years ago (edited)


Here we are on round 12 of the Story Cubes contest, and I am experimenting with the beta as my posting platform! So far, so good! I'm so accustomed to just typing in the markdown code myself that I need to pause and remember to try using the tools in the busy editor and see how they work.

I plan to experiment with using some promotion services on this post, because the contests just aren't generating enough revenue to be self-supporting yet. I can continue to kick in some SBD from my main account, but I want this to be its own thing eventually if I am going to keep it running.

The schedule is likely to continue to rotate, with a new post the day after payout resulting in an 8-day cycle. I plan to adjust the deadlines for entries accordingly. We'll see how it goes.

Round 11 Entries

There were 5 eligible entries for the past round. In chronological order:

  1. Raid by @g-force1980
  2. A Weed in the Garden by @ajremy
  3. Answering the Call by @trishlarimer
  4. Michael Strutters Goes Down by @marty-art
  5. Alien (Haiku?) by @jonknight

Good entries all around, but I'll be awarding this week's prize to...

Newcomer @g-force1980!

New roll!

Instead of picking three dice from each of the three sets I own, I put them all in a box and pulled nine out after mixing them thoroughly. The draw resulted in five original story cubes dice, two voyages dice, and two action dice.

story cubes 12.jpg


  • Write, photograph, paint, sculpt, or otherwise create something based on three (3) or more of the symbols shown on the dice. Mention which symbols you used, especially if you choose to be more abstract in your interpretation.
  • Include a link to this post, and use #storycubes as your first tag so I can easily find it and resteem it.
  • Comment on this post with a link to your entry.
  • Entry deadline is 11:59 PM Pacific Time on Tuesday, October 24th. I plan to announce the winners the following Wednesday.
  • Prizes begin at one 5-SBD award. More entries and more post rewards mean more prizes! Resteem and upvote this contest post to boost the prize pool! Donations to the prize pool are also welcome. All SBD earnings and donations will be rolled into the prize pool to support this contest.

Remember to upvote 100% and resteem this post! Don't forget to support the entries as well!


Gotta admit, I did enjoy that story, @g-force1980! Congrats!

Thanks @jonknight. Given the quality of your work that means a lot.

Wow that's unexpected but very welcome news! Thank you so much @goodguygreg! I'll definitely keep supporting this competition.

Hey@goodguygreg, Hope you are doing alright. Please let us know if you are okay and just taking a break. Some of us are worried about you. Send up a flare or something :)

Hey @goodguygreg, thank you for sponsoring this contest! I'm giving it a "go" at:

Hey there mates!! Here's my entry for this round!! Enjoy!!!

@goodguygreg thanks for this event and also to @jacobtothe


And then it was suddenly clear.
Upon Being Immortalized As A Serial KillerWas having trouble coming up with words until I read @trishlarimer's story.

I just happened upon this post and first of all, I doing know there were other sets of story cubes! We love ours so much, we have 2 sets, but they're the same!!

Secondly, will you be having anymore story cubes contests? This looks like so much fun!