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RE: Searching for the Unknown - The Chamber of Wisdom

in #storytelling5 years ago


So far the story went down a very straightforward way and it is time to up the anty. I encourage everyone that reads this to ask any question they want (it can be as stupid or as intelligent as you like) and I will build a story around it. The better the question, the better the story. They will either be chosen by the number of upvotes they got or on random (it there aren't enough upvotes to make it a contest).

The aim of this project is to encourage engagement within our community and try to build something together. I don't ask for upvotes or donations, I am only asking for questions so that the story goes in many different ways.

I also want to thank everyone that followed the story so far and to promise they will become even better in the future.

Thanks for your support!
