Can Anyone tell me what happened to the Picture?

in #strange8 years ago

A good golfing buddy if mine was out yesterday playing golf on a new course in Bogota, Columbia. As always he decided to take a picture with his smart phone to capture the moment and the scenery. Little did he know that the picture he would take would not only puzzle him, but the rest of us as well.
A Day at the golf course.JPG

Can anyone explain the "Inception effect" in this photo? The photo has not been altered by any photo editing software as far as I know
Out of all of my friends on one knows how this happened..

Any Guesses?


It just looks like the phone's camera was accidentally set to panoramic and he moved the camera after pressing the button. This is exactly the kind of image that would cause.

Honestly I don't personally believe that this wasn't edited.

According to my friend the picture was not tampered with, He is a very honest guy that I have know for more them 5 years and he has never once lied about anything that I know of.. I couldn't believe this myself and I am still trying to make heads or tails of it..Just plain weird. My guess is that his photo somehow malfunctioned or he may have unknowingly changed some settings

Can't beleave this is real!

Yeah this is out there, I didn't see it at first when it was sent to me this morning. My buddy sent this out to our golfing group which is about 30 to 40 guys in all. This guy was one of committee members and a well trusted guy from our perspectives.