Strategic Token (STR) platform is positioned to bring sparkle into cryptocurrency online services by utilizing the various amenities it offers. The platform is a great innovation and a market place for a variety of investors, business men, entrepreneurs, and variety of online services. It is a platform for the community of cryptocurrency lovers that intends to do business, make payment and perform other online activities.
The platform is designed for the purchasing of products as well as administrative payments for the services rendered on the platform. The platform is made up of various divisions which allow individuals to participate on which ever category of services he or she wants to utilize.
The services and products offered on the platform will be categorized into the various divisions. The divisions are made up of the following administrative areas:
• Staking
• Platform Promotional campaign
• Business Ideas
• Token creation
• Online store
• Online services
Staking is the reward you receive for supporting a cryptocurrency or a network by holding the coins in your wallet. Basically, Staking simply stands for holding a cryptocurrency in your wallet for a fixed period, then earning interest on it. The reward that one earns from staking varies depending on the length of the time that they hold it. The longer the stake duration, the higher the returns.
Proof of Work (POW) is a requirement to define an expensive computer calculation, also called mining that needs to be performed in order to create a new group of trustless transactions (the so-called block) on a distributed ledger called blockchain.
Proof of Work is used in a lot of cryptocurrencies. The most famous application of PoW is Bitcoin. It was Bitcoin that laid the foundation for this type of consensus. The bitcoin algorithm allows changing the complexity of a puzzle based on the total power of the network. The average time of block formation is 10 minutes. Bitcoin-based cryptocurrencies, such as Litecoin, have the similar system.
Mining serves two purposes:
• Verification of the legitimacy of a transaction, or avoiding the so-called double-spending;
• Creation of new digital currencies by rewarding miners for performing the previous task.
Mining requires highly specialized computer hardware to run the complicated algorithms. The costs are very high. Mining is becoming available only for special mining pools. These specialized machines consume large amounts of power to run that increase costs. It is easy to see in the case of Bitcoin. Miners do a lot of work to generate blocks and consume a lot of power. However, their calculations are not applicable anywhere else. They guarantee the security of the network but cannot be applied to business, science or any other field.
Proof of stake (POS) is a different way to validate transactions based and achieve the distributed consensus. It is still an algorithm, and the purpose is the same of the Proof of Work, but the process to reach the goal is quite different. Proof of stake first idea was suggested on the bitcointalk forum back in 2011, but the first digital currency to use this method was Peercoin in 2012, together with, Nxt, BlackCoin, NuShares/NuBits, etc. Unlike the Proof-of-Work, where the algorithm rewards miners who solve mathematical problems with the goal of validating transactions and creating new blocks, with the Proof of stake, the creator of a new block is chosen in a deterministic way, depending on its wealth, also defined as stake.
Staking is usually done with alternative coins (alt-coins). You cannot stake Bitcoin. Bitcoin utilizes Proof of Work system to reward people, where the reward is determined by how many coins a person mines.
Advantages of Staking
One of the main advantages of staking is that it eliminates the need to invest in expensive mining hardware. You just need to buy the coins and hold them in your wallet. The next thing to do is to sit back and watch as your wallet balance grows in value. It’s quite an easy way to make money.
The other advantage of staking is that it gives you a guaranteed and predictable source of income. That’s because, the value of coin increases in predictable figures. It’s the same as putting money in a fixed account. You are always guaranteed of getting your money back.
Staking is also related to time. You are paid an amount based on an amount of time that has elapsed. Some coins also have limitations on when the coins will stake and for how long.
The platform will be of service for promoting and developing various products ranging from cryptocurrency to other online products. The platform intends to work for the growth of both local and viewers at large.
We shall expand our services to take care of Individual advertisers. The advertisers will be catered for and encouraged. Strategic token (STR) is a token for the community and the community members shall benefit from the Project. Ideas and plans shall be adequately compensated using Strategic token or any other viable crypto currency.
Strategic Token is an ethereum contract based based platform. The token is compatible to erc20 token. ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Comments. This is an official protocol for proposing improvements to the Ethereum(ETH) network. '20’ is the unique proposal ID number.
ERC20 defines a set of rules which need to be met in order for a token to be accepted and called an 'ERC20 Token'. The standard rules apply to all ERC20 Tokens since these rules are required to interact with each other on the Ethereum network. These tokens are blockchain assets that can have value and can be sent and received, like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, or any other cryptocurrency.
The difference between these tokens and a standalone currency like Litecoin is that ERC20 tokens is allied to the Ethereum network, hosted by Ethereum addresses and sent using Ethereum transactions
All tokens are created by smart contracts. These smart contracts handle the token’s transactions, and account for the balance of every token holder. The platform shall be a guide for the learning and creation of ERC 20 Based Tokens.
The platform shall be a home for online workers. Various forms of online jobs, ranging from free lancers to gamers shall interface on the platform to carryout online jobs.
The strategic token group comprises of a team of crypto enthusiasts that have great zeal is achieving their mapped out goals. They are ardent about utilizing block chain towards achieving decentralization. The team has many years of experience in the crypto space. The team will never relent in their efforts towards making Strategic token the hub of crypto supporters.
The mission of the group is to create a harmonious community where everyone is not dithered to ask everything regarding Strategic Token (STR). The platform shall unite crypto enthusiasts, common online shoppers and those that are new to online world of crypto.
The vision of the Strategic Token group is to push STR token to be utilized globally in any field, which is trading, shopping, gaming, staking, etc.
June 13, 2018 -- Airdrop 1 Started
June 17, 2018 -- Airdrop 1 Closed
June 17, 2018 -- Airdrop 2 Started
July 1, 2018 -- Staking For Contributors Started
July 7, 2018 -- Exchange Listing
July 10, 2018 -- Airdrop 1 Distribution Commence
July 15, 2018 -- Trading Contest 25
August 1, 2018 -- Bounty/Airdrop
August 7, 2018 -- Distribution of Airdrop 2 will commence
August 15, 2018 -- ERC20 token creation for crowdsale available on platform
September 1, 2018 -- Distribution of Bounty/Airdrop will commence
September 17, 2018 -- White paper release (ver.1)
Q4 2018: ONGOING
October 1, 2018 --pre-launching of online store
October 17 2018 -- Negotiation of other crypto establishment to use their logo for online store
November 7, 2018 -- Online Services Will Be Available
November 27, 2018 -- Accepting Freelancer On The Platform That Will Receive STR As Payment
December 27, 2018 -- Trading Contest For 15 Days
Q1 2019: ONGOING
Listing on Paid Exchanges
Full Launching Of Platform
Q2 2019: ONGOING
Hosting Crowdsale/Crowdfund
Q3 2019: ONGOING
Scan & Pay Mobile Apps For Online Store And Services
Platform Development Suggestion Contest
TEAM: 15%
Ethereum Wallet Address: 0x088c65E4E9fC906b0AaaFa34a3f2477Cc630D7A0Strategic Token Website: