Why I am excited about a decentralized streaming platform!

in #streaming7 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone!

As some of you know from my latest posts I've gotten into streaming recently on Twitch. I don't really have a big following on any other social media platforms, I've only been active on what I considered the best one before Steemit to be - Reddit but the only thing you can brag about there are your karma points. No followers, no income, nothing really but an imaginary number next to your name proving your activity on the platform.

So when I started streaming, it was for the sole purpose of engaging with my Steemit followers more and showing them what I do on the platform on a daily basis when curating. I've been having some Viewer Curation Streams but also been doing some gaming and just hanging around. A big reason to why I wanted to become more active in the streaming scene was cause I've always enjoyed watching streamers on Twitch and I saw it as a up and coming platform combined with how big esports are becoming in general.

Twitch is one of the leading platforms in streaming and there are people all over the world using it. It started with just gaming content and has lately evolved into a lot more like creative content and streamers just streaming about their life in the "IRL" section. Even though they probably generate a lot of revenue being the leading platform I couldn't help but notice a lot of problems and greed involved - much like any other centralized platforms that depend on ad revenue are.

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First time I noticed how the blockchain technology could get a big advantage over the centralized platforms was through donations. Most streamers that stream full-time depend on donations, I sort of see it like the tipping system in the U.S where the workers depend on their tips on top of the pay to make a living. What did viewers have to their disposal to use to tip streamers? Paypal. Paypal takes a big fee from the donations, the smaller the donation might be the bigger the cut making it almost impossible to tip streamers lower amounts than a dollar at a time.

This was of course annoying for the streamers and for the tippers and Twitch was aware of it. Their solution to at least make sure the streamers get the full amount of the tips sent to them was to create their own token they call "bits". Now instead of the streamers having to live with the cut that Paypal took from donations, the tippers pay the cut upfront instead when purchasing bits to donate. Even though the streamers were now happy, the tippers were the ones having to pay unnecessary fees for donating to their favorite streamers. Instead of Paypal taking that cut, Twitch's solution to this was them taking the cut instead...

Here comes decentralized streaming combined with Steem that would make tipping cost nothing and is why I got excited when I saw the Announcement post of Dlive earlier. I've been talking about this for quite some time with a few Steemians and I'm glad someone is taking the opportunity to create something like this. Streaming is a growing industry and being able to tip the streamers with the full amount plus being able to make posting rewards on Steem will be revolutionary and will pass the competitors by storm, in my opinion.

Some errors I've noticed myself on Twitch lately

With all the money they are making as one of the leading platforms you'd think there would at least not be so many bugs on the UI and considering how long they have been running so far, even though I just started streaming here are some bugs I've noticed.

On my profile page I have this image that I entered way before I started streaming, it has a link under it that is supposed to go directly to my Steemit profile. Not only can I now not remove this image and the text under it, but I can't add another panel and the link sends users here instead when clicking on it.

They have this feature where if your stream is offline and viewers go to your page, they can instead see a stream that you are "hosting", I added a few channels to it at one point but noticed the order it hosted them in was wrong often and when I tried to remove a channel, it still keeps hosting it daily.

My current hosting list:

Who it is hosting right now:

Of course these are not big issues but for a site that has been running for 6 years you'd expect them not to have these amateur bugs.

My biggest issue with it though is the growing amount of greed portrayed by it. I stumbled upon this video recently that explains how they are taking it even another step further.

Warning though the language is pretty NSFW in the video. This video was uploaded recently by a famous youtuber called penguinz0 a.k.a Critical

Cheers to the future of decentralizing everything! :)

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Dang, you are up early! I was quite excited about the live streaming announcement too. I hope we get to see something soon!

Daily streamer here too, super excited about Dlive! Thanks Acid for the heads up, I just moved from YouTube streams to Twitch and already been grinding for the affiliate. Noticed many of the same gripes as you, when will they learn.. WE GON DECENTRALIZE ERRTHANG!! 💚💯

thank you dear

Yessss, I think Streaming will be huge on here and I wish it was already a mainstream function! Unfortunately I'm having to stream on Instagram right now but I have over 14,000 followers there and they are gradually switching to Steemit so they too can "fuck the system"! :D

Its nice to see a decentralized streaming site. Thanks for the post.

sounds cool, can't wait to check it out. :)

It is amazing to see more new and creative developments happening on the steemit blockchain mate!
So excited to see the launch of dlive and watch your first ever stream from there!
Thanks for sharing mate!

Oh, man, I fucking hate loot boxes. They're fucking everywhere! It's they utter bane on everything!

I've hated them ever since CS:GO and how they turn players into gamblers.

Like booster packs in Magic the Gathering. Trying ti get the rare one that would be worth a box of boosters. lol

At least in CS:GO you can sell that crap to buy actual products. You still can't extract the value, but at least you can use it in the steam store. But yeah, CS:GO opened the flood gates, then AAA gaming turned from 85% shit, to 99.99(9)% shit.

I love joining you weekly for your twitch videos but until the decentralize step is the next big step to change the game up

I also find their registration could be better. I've seen some having trouble to be noticed in chat after registering with certain (throw away?) e-mails. I had this in the beginning, in which I would say somethings in the chat but no one was responding.

I don't know if it is some kind of spam protection, but they could atleast deny the email at the registration, so that the username will still be available.

but they could atleast deny the email at the registration, so that the username will still be available.

but then how can they brag about the amount of accounts their site has to the shareholders? :p

thanks for explanation...

No thank you

Haha, true... It would be a hit on their views per video...voting bots uhum.....

Decentralization is future and a safe way. We look to pour more and more platforms into it. Nice post @acidyo

Resteemed, I just keep seeing beautiful stuffs on steemit everyday

Exciting info. Thanks for sharing!

Exciting info. Thanks for sharing!

I have to agree with you @acidyo it is a future where everything is being decentralized and a decentralized live Streaming service is point on.

I love joining you weekly for your twitch videos but until the decentralize step is the next big step to change the game up

welcome dear

great post and excellent video.thanks for sharing.

good posts very informative

welcome and thanks for commenting

thanks for your information @acidyo

Ah you are always going to run into these sorts of bugs, but they generally always get fixed. Decentralised for a lot of things would be very handy but we take what we can get until then!

Some things needed to be fixed ,give some time and hope you will get the result you desire .
Didn't know about few of the details but thanks to you buddy :)

How can deduct. work in paypal Explain about this in detail. Paypal's tax deducted.

Hey @acidyo, excellent post and ideas. In the nearest future, any major service based site will have to be decentralized to be famous.

The prospects for Twitch are very good but they have to work on their bugs. Too many. Pisses me off

vidio nice friends, and i really like vidio cartoon, thanks for the information is always my friend always

if we got a decentralized streaming platform I would start streaming again instantly! great post, now we just need to make it happen

Yessss, I think Streaming will be huge on here and I wish it was already a mainstream function! Unfortunately I'm having to stream on Instagram right now but I have over 14,000 followers there and they are gradually switching to Steemit so they too can "fuck the system"! :D

Some things need to be fixed, give some time and hopefully you get the results you want right.

thanks. @acidyo please visit to my post, I've made a post about you maybe you like it.

That video was a riot. All the streaming platforms are a pain in the ass.

I am incredibly excited about the DLive project. I will join it right away with three different shows using my animated puppets. Can't wait to get started. Sadly their post didn't really give much details about a lot of questions yet.

Its very interesting to see decentralized steeming site ,when i join decentralized steeming site is so nice and cool and some of advantages here, I excited to say that everyday. But these days steemit lot of delay after DDOs attack, Need to provide and redevelop secure connection and immediate action to get fix delay. Then steeming site easy to handle.
Also provide better registration procedure for more secure. not enough to enter nickname and valid email, My suggestion is please get more about personal info for registration.Its better way for stop spam.
I don't know how will do it of spam protection. We want to give sometimes for them fix their problem. Then we`ll hope good result for decentralized steeming site.

Umm, I never understood why people use twitch for live streaming, when youtube is already there. Any ideas?

😂 you cracked me up when you said

an imaginary number next to your name proving your activity on the platform.

And that's true tho ..Steemit is just the best. And I'm happy you're positively making use of twitch for Steemit. You're smart @acidyo

I haven't heard of them. Will check it though.

"twitch is trying to have their cake and...." really hilarious.

Cool... Very nice to look decentralized steaming... sound was good.. will be excellent.. nice to see you here.
keep it up.

wow, seems cool man. Its nice to see a decentralized streaming site. Thanks for the post.

wow, seems cool man. Its nice to see a decentralized streaming site. Thanks for the post.

Ha, I was watching that video earlier @acidyo. I even came across that stream yesterday and I wanted to watch a little bit of yugioh (lol), but they were playing ads like every 5 seconds, which was horrendous. The whole loot box thing has been a big talk lately too. I for one despise loot boxes.

At first I thought that that it was pretty cheesy that a player could pay to win in certain games, well that's what I thought back in the day. Now loot boxes are plaguing single player games which makes me furious. I don't know man, gaming today has been questionable.

My GTA skills will amaze you ;)

Very informative @acidyo. The picture changing flaws must be so annoying!

That's going to be a great new step. Just hoping that the stream will go smoothly and not lag. That's the only concern I see happening as of right now. Well can't wait to see your live streams on there!

No EPL contest this time??Very interesting analysis @acidyo.

I am still wondering why you are exited. Its just a bunch of box to show off.

No EPL contest this time??Very interesting analysis @acidyo.

I am still wondering why you are exited. Its just a bunch of box to show off.

Whenever there is money to be made greed will prevail, cmon, you know that the best @acidyo. I hang around twitch from time to time, not streaming, I have bad upload speeds here in Croatia. I mostly watch some streams with add block, so fuck them and their greed.

Nice... Thanks for the post @acidyo

Nice 👌🏻 share :) follow🙂

It started with just gaming content and has lately evolved into a lot more like creative content and streamers just streaming about their life in the "IRL" section

Which is an interesting recursive evolution considering that Twitch was an evolution of gaming being the most popular vertical on Justin.tv.

Justin.tv started with only one channel, a 247 broadcast of the founder Justin's life. Many additional early channels also revolved mostly around lifestreaming but quickly the site saw more categories, gaming being one of the more popular ones.

I've always said that the Internet is recursive.

yeah pumped for decentralized everything. i'm really interested to know how the centralized location of the video endpoint of the rtmp server is going to work thou because that's the crucial part. it's gotta be reliable and low latency, i'd say this will take the most work to get right.

Dlive is truly an exciting news for today! I'm looking forward to it.

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