I think for one that the Netflix algorithm finally got it right when they were suggesting things to me. This is a Danish series but is filmed in multiple languages including Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Serbian, and I think there was some Albanian thrown in there as well. So unless you are some sort of language superhero you are probably going to need to turn on the subs.
What makes this show so great in my mind is that the episodes are all kind of like a work of art, like someone from a fancy art school but actually good at it and with some money behind them.

I guess you could call it it a crime thriller as it follows young "Miu" through multiple aspects of the Denmark criminal underworld. The motivations of Miu to take part in this are a bit unclear. She definitely isn't evil and she isn't really a hero type either so its not like she set out to take them on. They don't really tell us a great deal about Miu and she doesn't talk very much. Therefore it is kind of left up to the viewer to understand what it is that drives her, how she got here, and where she is going. There doesn't appear to be any sort of ultimate objective with her.

It doesn't really matter because the manner in which this is filmed is so fresh that the story doesn't really matter so much. The soundtrack is a banger too but I suppose it would help if you had some love for synth music that has a bit of an 80's cyberpunk flare to it.
I don't really want to spoil what makes Miu and interesting character, not that it is all that important to the story but she is some otherworldly creature or so it is believed by many in the criminal underworld. She is feared despite not being fearsome and is respected even though she doesn't ever impose her will on people for the most part. She is quiet, tiny, and mostly just wants to keep to herself.

There are a few weak plot elements that take place that are going to have you asking how it is that we got somewhere or who are these people that all of a sudden got randomly interjected into the story. In that regard the writers do an awful lot of teleporting characters in and out and well as to and fro. We just have to accept it though and fill in the blanks on our own. The cinematography easily makes up for any otherwise lacking elements in the overall design but you'll need to be the kind of person, and in the right kind of mood, to appreciate something so artistic.
They definitely do not serve the story up on a plate for you in this one and you are going to need to pay attention and read the subtitles to really have any idea what is going on.
Should I watch it?
That's a really nicely done trailer and a kind of good example of the artistry that is used in the entire production. It's filled with fantasy and mystery and a tinge of revenge whose origin we are not fully made aware of. It gets slowly revealed over time but since the main character Miu doesn't say very much, a lot is left up to interpretation. I thoroughly enjoyed all 6 episodes and I think that other people who have the patience to read subtitles will end up feeling the same way.

You gave the movie a nice review and it is making me feel like I should give it a watch...
I will watch it!
I hope so and I hope you enjoy it!
On the list as a maybe as I will watch the trailer and it needs to get me interested or it will have lost me. These days it is hard to find stuff and I am not as adventurous as you are.
understandable. I think the artsy side of this one is going to scare you off. Some of it is a bit weird.
I watched this recently and have to say that it is very odd but yeah, the music really did it for me.
I thought the style sounded familiar when I was watching it then when I found out what films the director had also done I was thinking "ah yeah, of course."