St. Pancras Station, London

St. Pancras Station


St. Pancras Rail Station as seen from across the road

An old structure in the heart of London, St. Pancras is also one of the newly refurbished buildings in the general Kings Cross area. I remember when this place was a den of crime, drugs and prostitution. Now it's an international terminal and a bustling, trendy area. New residents include Google and YouTube.

There are few railway stations in the world that are this majestic. Centraal Station in Amsterdam is another one. I will post a photo of that on another day.

Peace & Love,



When was this taken? It looks old, but I guess it isn't?
What about Waterloo Station, I always think that looks very grand, or even Charing Cross?

The photo is about 10 years old. It was originally just black and white, but I added a sepia tone to give it an aged look - like when you leave a photo exposed to the sunlight for a while.

Both Charing Cross and Waterloo are quite grand, but there are too many buildings and structures adjacent to them and you can't observe the whole building like this.

Looking at the structural, it is obvious it has spend so many years on earth

It's been around a long time :)

Kings Cross area : HEard alot about this place.

It's quite a popular location.