Berpetualang Mencari Koin di Kuburan
Kuburan ini di kenal warga, salah satu kuburan dari keturunan Ulama,kuburan ini terletak di tengah persawahan di sebuah hutan kecil, yang tidak jauh dari desa Lamkuk, Seulimuem Aceh Besar.
Kuburan ini tidak terurus, tidak seperti kuburan keturunan Ulama lainnya. Di sekitar kuburan ini, sering di tempatkan warga saat melakukan kegiatan **khanduri blang** atau turun sawah. Menurut cerita, di kuburan ini sering juga orang orang melepaskan hajat atau ‘Kaoi”. Di kuburan ini sering sekali terdapat uang-uang recehan bahkan sampai ribuan yang di letakkan di bawah bebatuan kuburan.
Menurut Diki (17) remaja desa Lamkuk, ia sering mendapatkan uang pecahan lima ribuan di bawah bebatuan di sekitar makam ini, ia bersama teman-teman sering ke kuburan ini, untuk mencari uang. di samping itu juga ikut membersihkan area kuburan ini.
---- The Adventure looking for Coins in Graves----
This graves known to the citizens, one of the graves of the Ulama descendants, this grave is located in the middle of rice fields in a small forest, not far from Lamkuk village, Seulimuem Aceh Besar.
This grave is not maintained, unlike the graves of other Ulama descendants. In the vicinity of this grave, often in place residents while doing activities "khanduri blang" or down the rice fields. According to the story, in this cemetery often also people letting go or kaoi. In this cemetery there are often money-money coins even to the thousands that are placed under the rocks of the cemetery.
According to Diki (17) Lamkuk village adolescent, he often gets five thousand pieces of money under the rocks around this tomb, he and friends often to this grave, to make money. in addition also clean the area of this grave.

Thanks for sharing!!
You are welcome mr. @denni.japro
Great posting, support my steemit @hadathaical
don't worry, we will help each other :) :) :)