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RE: rick n morty VS amazon30%ish

i don't remember formatting a post into this... makes me wonder how much more my laptop is worth than my life. f(aceBook)[twitter] blocks to linked(in)... yeah my twitterpayTEDx doesn't work when i see voter fraud in my home state, then the global scam comes alive. fuck you federal reserve. i probably hole stamped your BS game pretty fast. too bad only your cameras were around. you can't figure out how to add IRON to my CARBon tax when you didn't let me play in twitter you doomed yourself to one of the worlds that the bitter original adopters get stuck in. ill pay my taxes in infrared codes, but when no one gives me a target without a return label, i know why the enemy is whom i already spent my youth slaving towards. nothing beats on the job history like the actual guys that carry the groups keys. ive always seen how the hardware manufactures program their software to devices to fain death early. if there is no standardization on the adapters, but they do the exact same thing... USB3.0... yeah i saw it work once. it was like when eSATA proved! ...everything in life is a bad joke by a terribly autistic patent pending policy enforcer. Wire comes down to length and gauge but most importantly in the past... "did they pay the port tax?" all those plugs on the PC can do just about anything, except play friendly with their bitter programmed on purpose to be rivals. then as a iPhone holder, i know im a hacker for them, because they steal IP from Droid and at least had their product working when delivered. when i try to describe the manufacturers rivalry its not a game. it is a systemic system of corruption and control seeking that peoples algorithms do. modules, shure thing 'plug-ins'... when your entire system runs on "MIT is free online" but you never say what/where/who MIT is... 'massa choose zits'... and you want to act like coffee table is ambiguous with JAVA code... maybe. it is still tough to think any of this is more sophisticated than my genteel code. Expecting someone to reproduce something that has already been taxed and gifted. you shouldn't have stolen my families truck im so afraid to explain the how of a hack that is backed on only first or second hand timelines i know existed and still have technology backing it, so we shall have to say fantasy. anyone remember what an |RSS| feed is?

the honesty problem is, i don't try to remember whatever i'm not supposed to. so there is a delay. the BS they force me to learn is forgotten as the humans attached to their belief systems disassociate. written communication on the formats required by the VERBOSE teachers that can't be TERSE allow the eaves droppers to think they know what going on. but when people are communicating in a SIMON&Schlitgofuckoff |star trek| copied language, yeah its tough at times to figure out if the-ir- telepathy is human or alien. simon says go ask binGO why the penguin haunts writers. not enough words to pretend like any of this is new. i really dont see the point in being on other peoples networks. i just want to use uTorrent and have endless free software like everyone else. sorry that insurance is an oxymoronical term when attached to a single symbol. sorry the USA inc war stamp looks like the nazi flag, or all of them. the fed has always been the one who has the money, and now apparently, if you know you have the text files that someone would fight over, you've created another bytecoin. i've never been phishing for codes. so i learn how the gypsies work. i can't even take a hint, but everyone else seems to run on very little direct communication. its not that i killed kenny south park, its that kenny killed himself by claiming to be hypno-toad. there was a very strict fear and punishment system in place for the hackers i saw as a youngster, so people talking about making bots were blocking themselves. the massive human suffering that exists doesn't seem to be a lie, even if I avoid the repercussions of the simple bait n switch routine. you have an author who has a mistress who believes in the most fantastical fantasies. while i may be interested in the free education, when the gods that protect others are proves to fail, i see the reoccurring theme from my own personal past life. when i told a friend the wrong directions, and they got into a car accident... jewelry and judaism and zionism, these silly fights over other peoples wars, they can't expect to keep their followers when even their books prove their past leaders greed. do you have any idea what torture i had to live through to find a bible that says i can use half of it? jephthah's daughter would be alive if it wasn't meant as a beacon. when the AZ court system uses flat earthers, i'm overunderqualified. NKJV even with my parents, or anyone, they want to know that you didn't forget the specific fantasy world that keeps them feeling the reoccurring themes they desire. the problem is remembering the names of other peoples Gods infect your futures ability to hear how other people describe emotions. and the best jokes are bound to offend. especially people who have personal trauma associated with words and phrases. when i watch the propaganda to try and sort out other humans behaviors, it is inevitable that it affects me. its obvious that the leaders don't have to sift through all this shit. and its obvious when someone learns fear, it comes at a price. i may not remember how to do your job, but we always remember the trigger words. pushing buttons? was i supposed to actually knock on Rick N "Morties" doors? i mean... kinda crazy right? they want a female writter... yeah i bet they did.