The Story of the Prophet Muhammad's Life Journey from Birth To Death That Can Make Tears Dripping

in #struggle7 years ago

The Prophet's Mawlid is the anniversary of the birth of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam), which fell on the 12th of Rabiul Awal (Islamic calendar).

As Muslims, of course we must know about the story of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The story of his life is not just to be read or heard only, but can be an example in our daily lives.

The story of the Prophet's life. indeed full of wisdom. Although he is a God-chosen prophet and messenger, his life does not always always be happy and easy.

He also continues to receive the trials and challenges in preaching propagate the religion of Islam.


Prophet Muhammad has a full name Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hasyim bin Abdi Manaf bin Qushayi bin Kilab bin Murrah bin Ka'ab bin Luayy bin Ghalib bin Fihr bin Malik bin Nadhar bin Kinanah bin Khuzaimah bin Mudrikah bin Ilyas bin Mudhar bin Nizar bin Ma 'ad bin' Adnan and subsequently met his lines with Prophet Ismail as.

His descendants from his mother's side are Muhammad bin Aminahbinti Wahab bin Abdi Manaf bin Zuhrah bin Kilab. Thus, his lineage from father and mother side met his grandfather, Kilab.

Elephant Year
This year comes an elephant troop led by Abrahah from Habasyah to break the Kaaba.

Their evil intentions were thwarted by the help of Allah SWT who sent Ababil birds, which dropped stones bearing disease plague and inflicted upon Abrahah forces.

This event occurred in the middle of the 6th century AD.

Birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW

According to the most powerful opinion, the Messenger of Allah was born on Monday, the 12th night of Rabiul Awwal in Makkah coinciding with the beginning of the Elephant Year.

The distance between the birth of Prophet Muhammad and the birth of Prophet Isa As is 571 years, between the Prophet Isa (as) and the death of Prophet Musa (as) 1716 years, between Prophet Musa and Prophet Ibrahim As is 545 years, between Prophet Ibrahim As and the Flood that occurred on the time of Noah's Noah was 1080 years, between the flood of Noah and the Prophet Adam As was 2242 years.

So the distance between the birth of Prophet Muhammad and the Prophet Adam As is 6155 years, based on the famous narration of the historians.

Prophet Muhammad Saw was raised in Makkah as an orphan, because his father Abdullah died in Madinah two months before his birth.

At that time his father was trading in Sham and stopped in Medina in a state of sickness, to death at the home of his uncle from the Najjar.

His father left nothing but five camels and a woman.

The Age of the Prophet Muhammad

At that time the Arabs had the habit of sheltering their children to other women in the hamlet in hopes that the child would later have a strong body and fluent talk.

Based on this, his grandfather Abdul Muthalib handed over his grandson Muhammad Saw to Halimah bint Dzuaib As-Sa'diyah one of the women of Bani Sa'ad to feed him.

At that time, Banu Sa'ad was hit by a famine, long drought hit their home.

But when Muhammad came to a small home and settled there for breastfeeding, sooner or later the land around Halimah's home was fertile.

When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) lived in the house of Halimah, many things happened to the Prophet Muhammad including the events of "chest cleavage".

After being weaned, the Prophet Muhammad was returned to his mother Aminah. At that time, Rasulullah saw was only five years old.

The death of the Prophet Muhammad

In the sixth year of his lifetime, his mother took him to Medina to meet his uncle there.

But when it comes to the village of Abwa, a village located between Mecca and Medina, her mother, Aminah died.

So he was raised by Ummu Aiman ​​under his grandfather Abdul Muttalib, and this lasted for two years.

The death of the Grand Prophet of the Prophet Muhammad

In the eighth year of his age, Abdul Thalib's grandfather died, then he was raised by his uncle Abu Thalib.

Abu Thalib is a philanthropist but his poor life is inadequate to meet the needs of his family.

The First Journey of Prophet Muhammad to Sham

When Prophet Muhammad saw reached 12, he was brought to business by his uncle, Abu Thalib to the land of Syam, and this was his first journey.

These caravans gathered near the city of Basrah and there met a Jewish priest named Buhaira and others who said the Christian minister.

This pastor understood the significance of the Prophet Muhammad and said to Abu Thalib: "Surely this nephew will get a high position, then keep him in good shape."

Then came Abu Talib with Prophet Muhammad to Mecca.

Berperan Dalam Perang Fijar

In the fifteenth year, he was involved in the Fijar war that occurred somewhere between Nahlah and Thaif.

This war would actually be won by the group in which he was in it, but eventually a peace between the two warfare groups eventually happened.

The Second Journey of Prophet Muhammad to Sham

When Prophet Muhammad saw reached 25, he went to Syam for the second time with Khadijah bint Khuwailid's merchandise, a prominent and wealthy woman entrusted to him.

During the journey, the Prophet Muhammad was accompanied by a Khadijah slave named Maisaroh.

On that journey he met a monk named Nasthur, and he understood the privileges of the Prophet Muhammad as ever seen by Buhaira.

Prophet Muhammad Marries With Siti Khadijah

Upon arrival in Mecca from this trade trip, he married Khadijah bint Khuwailid, two months after his arrival.

After that Prophet Muhammad moved to Khadijah's house to start a new chapter of his life, Khadijah's age at that time was 40 years.

From the wedding was born 3 princes: Al Qasim, Abdullah and Thayyib, who all died in childhood, and 4 princesses, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kultsum and Fatimah.

The four daughters lived until they were great. The eldest of them married Abil Aash ibn Rabbi 'bin Abdus Syam.

Ruqayyah was married to Utbah bin abi Lahab, while Ummu Kultsum married Utaibah bin Abi Lahab.

Ruqayyah and Ummu Kultsum then married again with Usman bin Affan. The youngest is Fatimah Az Zahra married Ali ibn Abi Talib ra.

Participation of the Prophet Muhammad in the Improvement of the Ka'ba

Ka'bah is the first building established in the name of Allah Swt to worship and admonish Him.

The building was founded by Abul Anbiya, Prophet Ibrahim As after successfully destroying the idols worshiped by his people as well as his temple of worship.

After the time of Prophet Ibrahim As, the Kaaba had been hit by a number of disasters that weakened the walls and its foundations.

The big flood devoured the Ka'bah building several years before nubuwwah.

Prophet Muhammad was active in the Kaaba repair. He was carrying a stone on his shoulders with a cloth. According to a valid opinion, the incident occurred when the Prophet Muhammad saw at age 35.

Prophet Muhammad also plays an important role in solving the weird problem that causes all the tribes to fight fiercely.

There is no decision on who is most entitled to the honor of returning Hajar Aswad in the first place.

Prophet Muhammad succeeded in solving the problem very brilliant.

He decides to place Hajar Aswad on his surban and each tribe chooses to choose a representative who holds the tip of the turban and lifts it together, until it arrives in place and Prophet Muhammad Saw takes Hajar Aswad and puts it in its place, then the problem is resolved.

The Ascension of Muhammad Saw As Prophet and Messenger

In the fortieth year, Allah Swt glorified his SAW with the prescribed Prophet and Apostle with the fall of the Angel Gabriel to him, where he had previously solved the prayer and worship by selecting a place in the Hira Cave at the top of Jabal Nur.

And the first time he felt and was shown to him was a true dream.

The Fall of First Revelation

When the Prophet Muhammad Saw was alone in the Hira Cave, the first revelation brought by Jibril, the revelation of Allah SWT, is the word of Allah which reads:

اقرأ باسم ربك الذي خلق - خلق الإنسان من علق - اقرأ وربك الأكرم - الذي علم بالقلم

What it means:
"Read with (the name) of the name of your Creator, He has created man from a clot of blood. Read, and thy Lord is the Most Beneficent, Who teaches (men) by cessation. He teaches men what they do not know. "(Al-'Alaq, 1-4)

Waraqah bin Nauval is the uncle of Khadijah bint Khuwailid, a distinguished person in Makkah because of the vastness of his knowledge in the affairs of the false religions.

When Gabriel came down with a revelation to the Prophet Muhammad, Khadijah went to see him and informed him of the incident. Waraqah said: "For the sake of the Lord of the Waraqah who lives in His hands, if you believe in Khadijah, have come the great angel who had come to Moses and indeed he (the Prophet Muhammad) was the prophet of this people."

Secrets Da'wah

And among the first believers of men were Abu Bakr ibn Kuhafah, and among women was his wife, Khadijah and among the children was Ali bin Abi Thalib, where Ali had never prostrated

The Da'wah Command Is Outright
Then Allah (SWT) commanded him to do da'wah openly, with His word,

فاصدع بما تؤمر وأعرض عن المشركين

Which mean :
"So deliver thou openly all that is commanded (unto thee) and turn away from the idolaters." (Al-Hijr, 94)

So he responded and welcomed the command of Allah SWT this well, then he did da'wah to humans to mengesakan Allah and leave the action of shirk and kufr. Some of them are believers and some are kafir.

Prophet Muhammad Saw Hurt by His People
Prophet Muhammad Saw had been hurt by his people in a heinous way, among others he was stoned or with dirt on the door of his house. But he is always patient and patient, so finally the right to defeat the vanity, because in fact the vanity will be defeated and destroyed.

First Hijrah to Habashah State
This year, the Prophet Muhammad ordered his companions to migrate to Habasyah (Ethiopia), after learning that the Quraishians had always done the painful acts to them, while no relatives would help and prevent the actions of the Quraysh that is.

So some friends migrated to save their religion, and this was the first migration of Mecca, where the number of migrants was 80 friends. They returned to Mecca from Habasyah after staying there for three months.

Second Hijrah to Habasyah State
In this seventh year, the Prophet and his uncle, Abu Thalib and Banu Hasyim and the Children of Muttalib, both Muslims and those who are still unbelievers, entered the Shi'ib. So on this occasion the Quraisy boycotted by breaking the supply lines of food and trading activities on the market to them, except when they handed over the Prophet Muhammad to the Quraysh to be killed.

The Quraysh wrote the boycott on the leather sheets hanging in the Ka'bah. So the Prophet Muhammad SAW ordered his companions to migrate to Habasyah, the hijrah for the second time.

Termination Boycott
Prophet Muhammad SAW and his people were confined within Shi'ib for 3 years did not receive food except in secret, so they ate the leaves. Then the Quraysh stopped the boycott, while the leather sheets containing the biocot announcement had been eaten by termites.

So came the Prophet Muhammad Saw from that confined place, the event took place in 10 years of prophethood.

Year of Sadness ('Amul Huzni)
In the tenth year, Khadija's wife of Prophet Muhammad SAW died and two months later also died the uncle of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Abu Talib, at the age of eighty-seven years.

After the death of Abu Talib, the act of harming the Prophet Muhammad SAW from the Quraysh became increasingly harder, because they assumed that what they had earned and accomplished from the Messenger of Allah was not what they had earned when Abu Talib was alive.
Hijrah to Thaif
In this tenth year, the Prophet went to Taekf, and he stayed there for a month, preaching to the people of Ta'if. But his da'wah there did not get a response from them, even rejecting it with a rejection and a bad action. They threw stones at him, causing his head and causing injuries to his head. After dakwah there failed, he returned again to Mecca

Termination Boycott
Prophet Muhammad SAW and his people were confined within Shi'ib for 3 years did not receive food except in secret, so they ate the leaves. Then the Quraysh stopped the boycott, while the leather sheets containing the biocot announcement had been eaten by termites.

So came the Prophet Muhammad Saw from that confined place, the event took place in 10 years of prophethood.

Year of Sadness ('Amul Huzni)
In the tenth year, Khadija's wife of Prophet Muhammad SAW died and two months later also died the uncle of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Abu Talib, at the age of eighty-seven years.

After the death of Abu Talib, the act of harming the Prophet Muhammad SAW from the Quraysh became increasingly harder, because they assumed that what they had earned and accomplished from the Messenger of Allah was not what they had earned when Abu Talib was alive.

Hijrah to Thaif
In this tenth year, the Prophet went to Taekf, and he stayed there for a month, preaching to the people of Ta'if. But his da'wah there did not get a response from them, even rejecting it with a rejection and a bad action. They threw stones at him, causing his head and causing injuries to his head. After dakwah there failed, he returned again to Mecca

Termination Boycott
Prophet Muhammad SAW and his people were confined within Shi'ib for 3 years did not receive food except in secret, so they ate the leaves. Then the Quraysh stopped the boycott, while the leather sheets containing the biocot announcement had been eaten by termites.

So came the Prophet Muhammad Saw from that confined place, the event took place in 10 years of prophethood.

Year of Sadness ('Amul Huzni)
In the tenth year, Khadija's wife of Prophet Muhammad SAW died and two months later also died the uncle of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Abu Talib, at the age of eighty-seven years.

After the death of Abu Talib, the act of harming the Prophet Muhammad SAW from the Quraysh became increasingly harder, because they assumed that what they had earned and accomplished from the Messenger of Allah was not what they had earned when Abu Talib was alive.

Hijrah to Thaif
In this tenth year, the Prophet went to Taekf, and he stayed there for a month, preaching to the people of Ta'if. But his da'wah there did not get a response from them, even rejecting it with a rejection and a bad action. They threw stones at him, causing his head and causing injuries to his head. After dakwah there failed, he returned again to Mecca


nice postmy new upvote at steemit @ rahmat1, and we always be good friends in this media also out here ok @ magera, acehgroub and manegersteemit

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a wonderful post thanks for sharing @magera...

Thanks my frien