Little Johnny had done it again, he had been warned never to play with knives but he wouldn't just listen.
He's a sixteen year old who seem to always do what he's told not to.
So on a warm summer afternoon, when everyone had gone out to have fun including the rat family consisting of mama rat, papa rat and the baby rats, the devil had once again entered little Johnny and he took the knives out for a spin from the new spot they were hidden.
Johnny was really messed up, he had a thing for always throwing knives trying to become a perfect knife thrower.
He had a twisted way of awarding himself a gold star for even hitting his mark.
At first, everyone thought he was going to out grow it but he didn't . It seemed like his fondness for knives increased as he grew older. While other kids preferred to ride bikes and watch tv, he preferred to throw knives.
He soon stopped using non living targets and switched to living targets.
By the way, I digress a lot. Bad Johnny had just graduated from hitting the little living targets to giving himself the title of a "professional" marksman. We all know he is delusional, but let us make him feel like he's unto something.
On this fine day, the usual devil came around only this time, it had taken some steroids. Johnny was doing the usual practice and he somehow he ended up hitting the neighbour's daughter who had only come to say hy.
Now he is in a juvenile centre with no knives to throw.
This is a work of fiction.
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Lol..... A sixteen years that still plays with knives....... It's both funny and weird..... Nice work though
Lol.... And who's this usual devil? Nice fiction post
Wow, its kind of funny o. Never you play with sharp object. No matter your age. Nice write up.
Thanks for sharing.
Nice work of fiction.
Sound like a fiction from a old sheet.
I guess it jonny brother, who loves eating strings.
He doesnt like food so he ate strings, oneday he die when the strings twisted his stomach.
Love the story tho
As sixteen year old playing with knives. Little Johnny seems to be living in a fantasy World.
Can this fiction be related to people who refuse to see life for what it is and continually live in dreamworld just to be happy with themselves and catch fun?...
Now Johnny is in trouble for hitting the neighbors daughter. What happens next?
The story has a deeper meaning