Guys I want to share my experience in china.for me its been two years in china.Currently I am studying medicine in China. Now I have a long winter holidays.And I am confined to my room due to outbreak of corona virus.Life in china for students is very difficult and comfortable.I mean the students in china are not allowed to do part time jobs and I personally dont like this policy of china.But the facilities in china in every department is very good.Food 0f china as compared to my homeland is very useless but its still good.but not as that of my country.the education and security system of china is very best.thanks.And this my room.i want to show you guys.its dirty but you can see it.
How do students cover their expenses if they can't work? What if you freelance on the Internet for foreign customers, does it still count as working in China?
CHINA HAS BLOCKED every thing such as google facebook etc and we cant use this without downloading vpn
If some one is caught doing work he or she will be deported
I think the reason for these rules were to guarantee that Chinese people won't lose their jobs and wages for foreign workers thus doing your own business serving only foreign customers would not threaten the domestic job market. It is likely still illegal though