I loved the way you put it in text. Yes, you are right many of us do not like to study much. I only study before an exam and I can do it because of the pressure of the exam. So, its like I am forced to do it because I do not like to score low on exams.
That is kinda hypocritical but this is who I am. 😂
I have been using something similar to this idea. I set goals and if I reach them, I reward myself with bit of internet browsing or little bit of gaming on the phone. :P
But after that I go back to study. The main difference is I do not set a specific amount of time rather I set goals. It can take 10 minutes, can take 1 hour or more. I have heard that this types of rewarding also has scientific backing too.
Have a good day!
Seems someone already tested my idea here.
Yeah, there is difference but the motive is same in both case and am happy to see at least it is/was working for someone. Happy to see a meaningful comment here.
Cheers buddy ;-)