Got RC ? used to be "got sow?", right ... they printed t-shirts of that shit, a guy once killed himself over being ripped off from an epic item
sony killed the gameplay after that
... i say that's what you call epic design
we DO love numbers,
like the jews, right ?
i have the dvd ... i don't have many jews though, gotta go to venice to meet them up close
Why do we love numbers so bad ?
I think it's because they are the key Kolwynia
the way to cracking and hacking the universe, and the universe is waiting to be hacked - it WANTS TO KNOW
that's why we invented numbers
numbers .. they are nowhere in reality, right ? only in the human mind
good, evil and
mh, that's why certain sensei would dare say the like what i write - they can relate - only
not by the numbers, since i'm analogue
like the dots in between
infinity :)
grins ...
but mostly the cat since i'm no longer any of whatever i used to be
Token sales huh, how about a quarter million kickstarter ?
how about just nothing cuz i don't do sales or marketing - it's boring and when it's boring i suck at it
i'm just good at being slightly not bad at what i do -
i hate selling lies
Byronic man,
that's why yo momma likes me more than she likes you :)
still not out of RC ? too bad
im gonna do what i do on my own things - anything else is something else
Apple didn't
Blizzard didnt until they became blizzivision, google didn't for a long time
Atari stuck to the old brand
Leonidas made history
no one remembers the names of who came after bill gates when the next one arrives
i'm not interested in lambo's , i'm interested in life and money, most of all my cat, not selling my soul
that's just how it is, i'm perfectly aware of my capabilities and limitations
fashion is a cycle
sales is lies
its not for me, i need money to hire people to do that for me
it's a curse
still not out of RC
fuck that shit ...
yea, i think the big five should get together to figure out a way to serve pre-compiled javascript instead of trying to push their own lingo, now it's finally accepted - bytevolume is the bottleneck, serve less to the client and move away from the cloud for anything but bulk storage, i know its about control but to me its about performance - and spend more on hyper-compression algorithms or maybe even sci-fi like quantum entanglement for data transmission than you do on glorified databases
still not out of rc ?
Not ? the stores are closed, it's monday (at least on thing this place makes sense at)
If i could spread bragging rights on a sandwich YOU would be dust, if YOU take that, then YOU have issues, but bragging rights get me nothing
i just need six figures to stick to the original plan : get out of hell with my cats an be nobody
maybe run a little roadside eatery and sleepover on the side and some code at night
love is a bonus
i'm not interested in all that other shit, i was born shining, and pretty much dead
like newton
now before, i use F-words, please - off
stilll not ?
yea that's the thing isn't it
theres a billion kinds of ab-
but only ONE kind of normal
it seems to be hard to understand to most
you can't categorize ab-
you cant
spread yow-ASS
you always got something left to say
i'm actually not
but i like the part about pissing oyu off
i'm old enough to have had these on IRC before belgium invented the internet
i'm not that scary
you used to be sharper, right?
the great white american hope :p
i just told you (you is an asian concept when i speak)
in a manner
i am one kind of ab-normal
you are just one kind of normal
didn't read that huh ?
no wonder you don't get what i'm saying
they still don't get it
i know, i'm just having some afk-time
i havent had anything interesting to do for years
rudyardcatling :
i don't think so .. you're confusing me with kipling
i am the cat that walks by himself and all places are alike to me
normal is a repetitive pattern, the human brain is built for pattern recognition
most schools fuck that up as they teach square spreadsheet doctrine
ummu hubur :
sanzu is the river of death
the borderline between here and there, most know it as the Styx
few remember me
we shouldn't let them get away with it
they're not, just look around
all together :
we don't wanna compete
or just grab
we want to make real money
shoving real players in a ditch is no use if you're playing on the same grounds
we all want one thing ....
yea, more dots
i'm afraid i have to end this right here - they're talking too much