Is stupidity hereditary?

in #stupid7 years ago


Is stupidity hereditary? I'd like to think so. At least that would give me an excuse for being such an invalid. It seems that every decision I have made in my life has been the wrong one, whether this manifest itself though inpatients or simply the luck of the "Lawrence" as my friends put it, it is obvious that my luck as an individual is horrendous in relation to the general population. Nevertheless, this begs the questions, is this the chicken or the egg type of scenario or it simply the result of something external? Could I actually do more with my life and actually be successful for once if a just made some small adjustments to what I am doing or am I simply too stupid?

Evidently it is clear that I am stuck with the hand that I was dealt, so nothing short of a full body transplant into a better-looking body will help my cause and sadly all the bodies up for sale on the deep web are either out of my price range or of the wrong ethnicity, so, so much for that. On the other-hand, unless I plan to make my fortune as a male prostitute, maybe good looks aren't the only thing that I need to be financially well-off. Maybe a brain that could actually do more than dream up grandiose situations where I magically become rich with little to no effort. Maybe a brain that could actually put pen to paper and actually have the confidence to take some of these concepts from cradle to grave.

But then again being in this body plagued with a bull shit medical condition that only affects one in six thousand births, even if I am successful and do become rich, according to the people I know, I'll still be alone and that is almost as pathetic as being poor. So, in retrospect what is the point of doing anything? If every result is a lose-lose type of scenario, maybe through my constant failure the world is just simply telling me to give up, but sadly at this point I simply too stupid to.


I think making good or bad decisions is a matter of luck more than anything else.

As you said good looking it is not important. And about intelligence, it is difficult to determine what is in occidental society currently considered as smart.Some stupid useless ideas succeed while other useful ones are forgotten.

I hope you will eventually manage to find people that won´t make you feel alone, whatever you get rich or not. I know that is difficult for you because of your condition, but there is so much people out there, somebody will suit you.