@braaiboy and I were recently having a chat in the comments and this came up.
I thought it's a fun expression and it certainly relates to people who are still under the impression that Land Expropration is a viable idea that might work this time. Even if it does work once, the odds are still stacked so overwhelmingly against it that you'd be stupid to try. And I don't mean stupid as an insult, I mean stupid as in the technical definition of stupidity:
A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.
While the Dunning Kruger effect isn't really about stupidity, it does go a long way to explain how people who are very certain about a given topic are often ones who know the least about it.
Regardless, the idea of calling the Dunning-Kruger spikes Mount Stupid is from an old SMBC comic. Enjoy!
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