#STWT Show 42 - Syria S-300's & Missile Analysis, #OpStopTheUN, NXIVM & PedoGate, #Titus, etc.

in #stwt7 years ago

#STWT Show 42 - Syria S-300's & Missile Analysis, #OpStopTheUN, NXIVM & PedoGate, #Titus, etc.

Film Summary

This is the 42nd #STWT "Spitting Truth With Titus" Live show. Tonight I covered a lot of very important topics over a wide range of the political spectrum.

The first topic discussed was the recent US Missile strikes on Syria. I took a look at what both sides are saying happened, and provided analysis as to what I think is going on.

First we took a look at how Russia is claiming 71 of the 103 missiles were shot down, and now they are showing debris of these shot down missiles online. Secondly, the target list was not just three facilities. The missile strike also targeted 6 airbases in Syria, which would have crippled the SAA Air Force and their fight against the actual terrorists thus extending the war. So all the "Q Anon" nonsense about targeting "deep state" bases is utter nonsense, veritably so.

Syria getting the S-300 system and possibly the S-400 Air Defense Systems: https://southfront.org/russia-considers-delivery-of-s-300-air-defense-systems-to-syria/

Russia Claims it shot down 71 missiles, and 6 airbases were targeted: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/14/russia-claims-syria-air-defences-shot-down-majority-missiles

US is building new military base in Northern Syria to accommodate another possible 1,500 US troops: https://www.rt.com/news/423127-new-us-bases-syria/

I wanted to show everyone the results of #OpStopTheUN, which was a highly effective campaign against the UN websites by Anonymous, the Hive, Delete the Elite and a few others. Pastebin: https://justpaste.it/5ukud

OpStoptheUN Video: Video

What "Scientologists Actually believe": http://southpark.cc.com/clips/104274/what-scientologist-actually-believe

Roger Stone is connected to NXIVM, video by @RROR:

James Alefantis Image with Tamera Luzzatto "Evie's Crib":

Kevin Reynolds Infant massage service: ~~~ embed:988989532937773056 twitter metadata:dHJlYmlsbGlvbnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS90cmViaWxsaW9uL3N0YXR1cy85ODg5ODk1MzI5Mzc3NzMwNTZ8 ~~~

Avicii Video exposing human trafficking: "For a Better Day" - Avicii RIP: Video

Music Credit:

Intro Song: "Still DG" by YTCracker: Video

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It's becoming more obvious to me that countries, such as Russia, the US or England will not fight country to country. Instead, they find a proxy country to fight each other. The same thing happened in Afghanistan with British India and Russia. Afghanistan did not fully recover after the attempted conquest of England. Then Russia and British India wanted to both capture Afghanistan for more ground. This situation is no different. in Syria. The countries involved include the U.S, Russia and Israel.

  1. Find a country that is experiencing difficultly/ recovering from war
  2. Set up base and begin fighting with the other country
  3. Claim you are there to help
  4. After bombing their country, claim they are uncivilised people who don't deserve any help. Or in other words, 'fix your own mess'.

great analysis.
what a informative post sir @titufrost.

Awesome post sir ..Resteem This Post

its a great post i have seen ever. nice thank you fo postin.

its an incredible post I have seen ever. pleasant thank you fo postin

Frost I know you have good content there. I have followed most of you posts and videos on dtube and even YouTube. But you haven't answered my question on one of your YouTube posts, neither the one on your Discord channel. If there is any other way to contact you please tell me.
Stay blessed

THANK YOU Titus. I have not trusted this "Q" nonsense, I lost trust in Infowars long ago and yeah... not surprised about the connections you mention to the pedos in power. Sad, not surprised.